more then one!?

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It's confirmed a day later that Steve is in fact expecting his and Eddie's baby, well...babies.

"'re having twins?" Robin gapes at the string of ultrasound pictures showing two blurbs that say Baby A and Baby B.

"Uh...not quite. One down, Rob." He points, bringing her to look at the next picture that clearly shows Baby A, Baby B AND Baby C.

"HOLY SHIT!" She screams, jumping back a little. "You've got a damn party growing in there Harrington. Eddie is gonna lose his mind."

"Don't I know it." He laughs, leaning his back into the counter.

"You're laughing at this? How aren't you scared out of your mind right now? I wouldn't be standing if I were you."

He throws his head back with a cackle, "Robin, I've already cracked. I had my little breakdown at the clinic and then got myself together, so I could come to work." He says and Robin shakes her head.

"Dude this is...insane, you know this right? You're like pregnant- pregnant. Like super pregnant. Not just a little pregnant either, you're majorly knocked up." She continues.

"Jesus, Buckley. Enough. I know I am, thank you." He sighs, taking the pictures and rolling them back up to put in his pocket. "I don't know how I didn't notice either...I mean, look at me. At eight weeks I've already got a little belly going." He says, turning to the side. He brings his hand flush against his polo and shows Robin the tiniest of a bump forming.

"I guess so! There are three babies in there! Holy shit, Steve. Are you gonna be alright?"

"I don't know." He shrugs. "I still have to break the news to Eddie and my parents."

"God speed. They might kill you." Her eyes go wide. "Do you need support? Cause I can be there when you tell them."

"Eh, killing people isn't really my dad's thing." Steve jokes, "Nah, probably just kick me out and disown me." He shrugs his hands up. "But, I'll do it myself. We'll find out soon enough how they take it cause I can't hide this pregnancy for very much longer." He sighs, rubbing a hand over his belly.

"You better get yourself to a proper doctor too." She points at him.

"I am. I scheduled an appointment for next week with a specialist that the clinic referred me to."

"Good cause I don't want anything happening to you or those little tater tots." She says, poking his middle.

"Ow, stop." He chuckles, smacking her hand away. He goes back to work, but Robin stops him immediately.

" more lifting boxes. Nope, no! Get away! I got it." She shoos him, realizing now that most of his work is far too strenuous for him. "Sit at the register and try not to move a finger."

"Robin, I'm pregnant, not made out of glass!"

"Not chancing it!" She hollers back at him, straining to carry a very large box of video cases to the back. Steve rolls his eyes, but relishes in the fact that he doesn't have to do anything all day but ring up customers. The time will come when he has to tell Keith, but for right now he likes being employed.

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