"I have a life here", Isa answered.

"Your girlfriend? Isa, you cannot have your life revolving around one person. Just bring her with you or something. You said she's supportive of you, right? Sure she can be a little more supportive by making your life easier."

Ryujin felt a sting as the conversation progressed, especially after hearing a long stretch of silence after the statement.

But she was surprised when Isa finally answered.

"Ryujin is good at what she does."

"Have you even seen her art?" Her voice sounded angry, something that the brunette rarely hears from the other girl first hand.

"She's an amazing artist who puts a lot of her heart in her work. And her coming with me would not make anything easier. In fact, it would be harder for me knowing that I've stripped off her chance of achieving what she has been working hard to do. So... stop talking nonsense. This isn't about me belonging to the big cities. This is about the both of us doing our best to make it work."

"This is what love is, in case you haven't heard of it."

Her heart was pounding like crazy upon hearing her girlfriend's indirect confession.

Since then, she held onto that moment like an oath.

Recalling all those words whenever she feels too tired or whenever she feels like giving up.

That's why even after another year of fighting, not talking to each other for days, and forgetting to greet each other on occasions, she still found herself standing in the waiting area of Gimpo Airport, holding a sign that says:

Hurry back, I miss you.

She cares a lot about Isa.

She was the first person who made Ryujin look forward to something, wide eyes and giddy, since Yeji left her.

After that party at Chaeryeong's house, Ryujin found the courage to meet up with her a few weeks after - only to find out that she's already about to leave for the UK to do her internship.

They went on a couple more dates until then, but didn't officially regard themselves as a couple.

While Isa was away, they tried to keep the communication going. Unfortunately, it died down pretty quickly.

Ryujin believed that it was the natural course of events because of the distance and the conflicts in time zones, but in reality, it was because of the buried trauma caused by a certain someone who left her to go overseas, too. She doesn't think about her as often as before, but sometimes, a wave of sadness would hit her and she would be reminded of the time when both of them were very happy - the moments when they thought nothing would keep them apart.

The brunette instead worked on building her career in Seoul - never been so laser focused her entire life.

When two years passed, she was surprised to see Isa waiting for her one afternoon after a day of work.

It took them a little back and forth, but eventually, they both decided to officially date and be a couple.

It was nice having Isa around. She would cook for Ryujin and take her out on adventures that she wouldn't have done alone. Because the architect is a traveler, she also made it a habit to explore the parts of Korea that she hasn't explored yet whenever she comes home - with Ryujin coming along, of course.

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