3th POV || June 19th, 1988

Silence was truly an awful thing
And hope was such a dangerous thing for someone with Will's past
If you don't wanna die there should be no hope or maybe
It should always be definitely
Never 'I hope this works'
Always 'this will definitely work'
No uncertainty is allowed if you want to survive

Mike was walking right next to Will
El was a bit ahead

So far they hadn't come across any creatures looking to do them harm almost as if they were expecting them

"Hey Will..?"


"If something happens to me.. I want you to go to my house and find my notebooks, my journals.. I want you to burn them.. they talk about this place and I don't want my parents or Holly finding them.. so please just burn them.." Mike whispered Will looked at him

"Hey, we'll be fine." Will said Mike chuckled pushing his hair back

"Don't shit me man.. I know we only have like, a five percent of making it out of here alive.. just please promise me that if I don't and you do.. that you burn those stupid books.. or drop them I'm the middle of the ocean or even just hide them in California with you.. just far away from my family.. they don't need to know about this shit.." Mike whispered Will nodded

"Yeah.. yeah I promise Mike.."

"Thank you.."

And as if Mike could see the future of danger everything turned dark and they were all in their own personal hell

Mike opened his eyes laying on the ground grass all around him with those stupid flowers around him as well..
He could feel the summer heat hitting his skin as he sat up quickly looking around

Maybe it was just a nightmare
Yeah that's right.. Mike had just fallen asleep right? There was no new Upside-down mystery to fight off today
Just a nice summer

He looked over to see an older version of El making him look at his reflection in his watch to see an older version of himself looking a bit too much like Ted Wheeler for his liking
"Dinner is done!"

"I'll um.. I'll be right there!" Mike yelled back getting up quickly

He walked into the dining room a few minutes later seeing two kids
Two teenagers at "his" table along with El
A boy who looked about sixteen or seventeen and a girl probably around thirteen or maybe fourteen

"Hey Dad." the girl said looking up with a smile
They shared the same eyes and hair

"Um.. hi.." Mike whispered back messing with his hands

"Are you okay Mike? You're acting weird.. like when we were kids.." El said softly Mike shook his head

"I'm fine E- Jane.. I promise.." Mike whispered "I'm um.. going to go use the bathroom first, I'll be right back!" he added running upstairs quickly

Mike found their bedroom somewhat quickly since the kids' bedroom doors had pictures and cut outs taped to them

He walked inside and locked the door behind himself

There was a "family" picture on the dresser in a nice frame
He hurried to grab it and take the picture out to look at the back of it hoping the names were written there

"Mike, Jane, Jack and Emily 2012 family picture"

He was forty-one?
He had two kids?
It was 2012?

He looked up into the mirror basically seeing a copy of his father staring back at him

"What the fuck.." Mike whispered looking around scared to death of this new reality he was presented with as if it was the main course at a fancy restaurant

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