A Familiar Tune

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Every passing day was a blur, time was undefined. Every waking, every sundown was filled with the absence of running around in the tall, untamed grass. The people of the valley lived without worry, lived in synchronized fashion, and had all necessities provided without fee. It is contentious to an outsider's view, not that any thought of living beings alike to them were of existence past the barriers. Nobody batted an eye or contemplated what could happen if they left, they had everything they needed.
That was until someone stumbled too far amongst the tall grass. A tune played, but the source of where it came from was undetermined. Electricity was truant past the village center. Even in the village center electricity was minimal, since the town was so tiny there was no need for such devices. But this person, this boy wanted to know more. Where was this tune—Why was it so familiar? He would attempt to reflect on his days before adolescence but really nothing was at core. He thought he knew everything there was to have to know, this struck a sense of fear. He moved slowly, and in a skeptical manner. Inching ever so close towards the greenery borders. The only thing he could really remember was that nobody was allowed past that point. He wanted to go further, but was startled by a tug on his shoulder.
"What are you doing, Saylor! You haven't finished organizing the book."

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2023 ⏰

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