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All of a sudden, I saw Kitty walk around the drink bar. "Excuse me." She said with a look that said she was in a hurry.

I have a feeling she's going to ask about that two-timing jerk who I had learnt his name was Dae. Honestly, I'd like to think of myself as a non-controversial person, but I just didn't like him. 

"This girl treats Korean guys like Pokémon. She's trying to catch them all," Minho said while looking at Q and then me. What's he looking at me for? "Not interested. Neither in you, Garcia, so don't get any ideas." 

"Get over yourself. I'm looking for Dae." "Boy, please humble yourself. You are not all that." Me and Kitty said simultaneously. Somebody had to give this guy a reality check. Honestly, how could anyone stand him?

On another note, I was right about Kitty looking for Dae. I would've loved to stay for the drama, but I really didn't care. I saw So-eun, and I immediately walked to her.

"Lilly, there you are. I had lost you for a second." So-eun said with a pout. I patted her in the shoulder with a nod.

"I was just with those two guys. Q and Minho. I don't know if you know them." I said while she shook her head.

"I don't think I do. But I would love to meet them!" She exclaimed with a big smile. I smiled back, and I think her positivity was rubbing off on me. "Look! It's Yuri." So-eun said with wide eyes.

I turned around to see the girl Dae cheated on Kitty with. "Who's Yuri?" I asked while tilting my head. 

"Only one of the richest girls in our school. Her mom's the principal of this school, and her dad is the president of Han Hotel Group." She said while making grand gestures with her hands to emphasize her point. 

Ok. Wow, so maybe Dae did have a point. But no. He should've broken it off with Kitty beforehand. Nobody should be cheated on. 

I looked at the two taking pictures together, and then someone caught my eye. Kitty was standing in front of them with her hands on her hips. She looked so disappointed, and I felt bad for her.

I told So-eun I was going to go talk to someone, and I left her to go to Kitty. As I was walking to Kitty, she started walking backwards. Right into the cupcake tower. Of course. 

"What? Never seen a girl crash into a dessert tower before? Nothing to see here, people!" She said before walking. Now I had seen more than a few dramas before, and I knew what would happen next. 

I was right next to Kitty when I saw her slip on the cupcakes. To others, it may have looked quick, but it went in slow motion for me. It went so slow that I had enough time to catch her before she fell. 

So here we were. Two girls and a bunch of ruined cupcakes. I had caught her by the waist, and the flashes in my face told me that this situation wasn't going to be forgotten soon. Great. 

"Fine. maybe there is something to see," Kitty said while looking at me. "Thank you so much." I stood her up and walked her away from the cupcakes carefully.

"Don't mention it." I said with a strained smile. Drawing attention to myself wasn't exactly in my bucket list. 

"KItty, are you okay?" Dae asked while checking up on her. He was so late. Why wasn't he the one who caught her? What a fake. 

"Get away from me." Kitty said while pushing him away. I side eyed him with a frown. I had a feeling we weren't going to get along. 

I saw Kitty run out of the room while I just sighed. "You know. I don't know what you were thinking, but you really messed up." I said to Dae.

Xo, Lilly  (XO KITTY X OC)Where stories live. Discover now