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(Lilly's face-claim^)
One week before school

It was a warm summer day in Seattle, and I wanted nothing more than summer to last forever. Obviously, I wasn't doing anything important, but not having school was nice. 

Currently, I was laying down in my bed while practicing Duo-lingo. It wasn't ideal, but I didn't know how else to practice my Korean without a tutor or textbooks. My parents would never pay for a tutor because they never saw the point in learning a language that wasn't Spanish or English. English was self-explanatory, and so was Spanish since I'm Hispanic.

 I was fluent in both languages, but I really wanted to learn Korean. Why? Because I wanted to go there. I've always dreamt of exploring the world, and South Korea had recently piqued my interest. Obviously, if I wanted to go over there, I needed to sharpen my language skills cuz who else was I gonna depend on?

 Back to the present, I was on a streak when I got a phone call. I was annoyed that someone (probably a spam caller) had disturbed my learning time, but that quickly changed when I saw the caller id. I answered the call, and I heard the best news of my life.

 KISS (Korean Independent School of Seoul) had just informed me that a spot had opened up, and I had 24 hrs to accept. I immediately accepted without even thinking of the consequences which I would worry about later. This was my dream, and I wasn't going to let it go.
1 month ago

It had been a boring day, and I was surfing the internet at night for something that would interest me. I was looking for a movie when I saw an ad pop up.

 It was advertising some sort of Korean school, and it piqued my interest. Maybe I could pretend I'm registering to be a student there; that sounded fun. It can't be that hard to get in. But the more I looked at the school, the more interested I got. It looked difficult to enter, and the campus looked beautiful. Also, Seoul intrigued me with its big city charm.

 So, I decided I would try to apply to enter the school. My parents would probably agree anyways; it's not like they see me most of the time.

Back to the present

I ran out of my room to tell my parents who I hoped were here. I believed they had just gotten out of work, but I never knew with them and their job. They both worked in high positions in IT, so they were constantly working. 

Thankfully, when I turned the corner to go to our living room, I saw my parents sitting down while watching the news.

 "Oh, Lilly, you're here? We would have called you to drink tea with us if we knew." My mom said with a soft smile. I loved my mom, but that hurt. How did she not know I was here? She didn't even bother to check either. My dad nodded along to what my mom said and greeted me with a 'Hello, Lilly'. 

"Mom. Dad. Hi. Tea sounds great, but I have something important to tell you guys," I said with a nervous smile. They looked at me curiously so I continued. "So to get to the point, I applied to a prestigious boarding school in Seoul, and I got in."

 The look on their faces almost had me laughing. My mom had her eyes wide open while my dad's jaw dropped. Just because they were important figures didn't mean they weren't comical people. If they weren't always at work, I know we'd have a fun time together.

 They looked at each other, almost like they were communicating telepathically, and then they nodded and turned to me. "You may go." My dad said with a nod of approval.

 "But you must be careful. Don't drink, don't go to clubs, don't do drugs, don't have s-""OK, MOM, I GET IT!" I cut my mom off already knowing what direction she was going in.

 My parents chuckled together while my dad grabbed my mom's hand. They were always so busy, yet they always stuck by each other. I was jealous of their relationship honestly. But that jealousy would be kept away for another time.

 "Thank you. Mom. Dad. You won't regret giving me this opportunity. I'm going to go see what I need to pack cuz I leave next week." I ended my mini speech with a smile before running back to my room. This was going to be fun.

Xo, Lilly  (XO KITTY X OC)Where stories live. Discover now