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ps make it intelligent im so lonely



The conclusion I assume from this message is that I am an extra sensitive AssaultBot worth fifty million. Fifty million what? Dollars? Rupees? Yen? Well, fifty million is a fortune regardless of currency. Knowing this, I better be careful out in the world. If I am worth this much people might want to go after me, and Sir is probably going to try catching me instead of buying a new robot if I run away. Thus, I cannot stay in the town near the mansion. I will be safer the longer the distance between Sir and I. I then hear that Sir is on his way out from the bathroom, so I turn the phone off and put it on the spot where I found it.

- You left your phone here, Sir, I say.

- Thank you, Jackass. I noticed, He answers while ruffling my hair. He then strokes his hand down my ear and slaps my cheek. He picks his phone up and puts it in his pocket, and then he turns the television off.

Sir then says that he is now going to tell me some secrets, so I nod in agreement. Sir begins with telling me about a middle school crush of his, a girl named Wanda Nowak. Sir explains that she was rejected by the female individuals in the class, or he explained it like this: "She wasn't like the restuva chicks, those dirtbags made 'er life bitter dammit". Sir himself was not unpopular in any way, though he decided to step out of the group to keep Wanda company.

This gesture would mean a perennial friendship that was going to change Sir's life forever. They started to hang out after school, and in school they sat next to each other during lunchtime. At the start, their classmates joked about them being a romantic couple. They ceased to do so after a week. Sir was temporarily a bit suspicious, though it was really just good news to not be humiliated anymore. Sir eventually fell in love with Wanda, whom he even planned on asking out at Valentine's day.

Sir skipped over to Wanda's house on February the thirteenth, with a bouquet of self-picked flowers and a card. Wanda opened the door, and showed bare interest in Sir's gifts. Looking back, Sir assumes that she must have thought he was joking with her. They exchanged some rumours, they played a party of chess and then ate some biscuits. After one and a half hour when they sat in Wanda's room and Sir was about to confess his feelings for her, he found himself too nervous to say anything.

To prevent himself from shivering he instead commented that their friendship was getting accepted, but Wanda explained why. People had not grown up, but learnt that Wanda really was together with someone else. Sir was chocked, but asked who the "lucky guy" was instead of protesting. The boyfriend was Reginald Smith, no one Sir had ever heard of, but still someone who he hated more than all evil in the world. Wanda explained that she actually was not interested in that kind of relationship, but it was a safe way for her and Sir to not get laughed at. 

This Reginald was apparently quite popular in school, and this also made Wanda popular. She also mentioned that now they could prove that they were not together, but Sir never spoke to her after that. Sir was not welcome back to his old gang now, so he was left all alone. He focused more on his studies, meaning improved test results along with both stress and an increased dose of frustration.

Sir sought himself to a Judo Club in order to take his anger out, but he was thrown out because of his rather brutal style. Now he had more time to study, but still nowhere to take his frustration out. He went over to video games, not the racing games he had played with Wanda, but violent games where you hurt people without having to deal with the consequences. Sir was later on accepted into a college, where he filled the loneliness by investing in the stock market... especially in the soda company that earned him his very first million dollars before he even turned thirty. I suggest that some of the money also came from playing games, but then Sir tells me to "shut my gob".

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