Girlfriends Share Clothes (Christen Press)

Start from the beginning

"Christen then suggested have a little road trip" You decide to throw a little truth in there.

"Is that all this is?" Kelley says suspiciously.

"I have no idea what you are talking about" you say waving the defender off.

At the team meeting you learn that you all have an open training session later on in the day. They were always fun because you got to goof around a little which made the session a little bit easier to enjoy.

When you get ready you change in your USWNT shorts, vest and hoodie or at least what you thought were yours.

Training was certainly interesting, to say the least. Everyone split up into the two teams and would spend the majority of training separately so you didn't notice when Christen took her jacket off.

"Christen is looking good today" Sonny tells you.

"Excuse me?" You say shocked at her admission.

"I agree, especially in that vest. Don't you think Y/N?" Kelley asks.

How strange you thought, everyone was wearing the same vest. It isn't until Christen turns to face you that you realise why Sonny and Kelley made their comments.

Slap bang in the middle of the vest was a number but it wasn't 23, it was 7 which was your number.

You tug on your hoodie so that you can see your vest and low and behold yours said 23, let the teasing begin.

What's worse is that fans were here and the media. You knew that you and Christen would be allover social media by the end of the day.

You were going to kill Christen.

"Screw it" you say taking your hoodie.

Kelley and Sonny fake a gasp, you roll your eyes in response.

"Press" You run towards the forward.

You watch as she furrows her brows, clearly she hasn't noticed the little mix up. Judging by the rest of the team's faces, they did.

"What's up?" She ask innocently.

You have to tell yourself to focus, do not get distracted by Christen's, well her everything.

"Nice vest" You tell her, looking to her vest then back to her.

She copies your eye movement before gasping and covering her mouth, similar to what to Sonny and Kelley did.

The rest of the team tease the both of your for the majority of training. The team photographer even asked for a photo of the two of you to show the mix up. You were tempted to ask Christen to swap but the damage had already been done.

As predicated by the time everyone meets up for the team meal you and Christen were trending on social media.

"Have you seen this?" Pinoe asks as you and Christen approach the table.

"Hard not to" You say slightly pissed off at the situation.

It wasn't just the vest mix up that was on instagram. Your fans had decided to breakdown every time you wore something of Christens, when she wore something of yours and when you two were in the place but nobody ever realised.

You knew this was going to happen but you had hoped that you were going have a few more weeks inside yours and Christen's little bubble.

"Your fans are genius', they have all these theories"

"Y/N last year you told us you went on a solo trip to Italy but Christen posted a photo and the backgrounds are identical"

"And this ring" Kelley holds up your hand "is Christen's"

To be fair, you were surprised that they hadn't spotted the ring sooner. Christen used to wear it 24/7 then she gave it you and you now wear it 24/7.

This is how the next hour went. Each player would bring up a fan account post and quiz the two of you on it.

Your were reaching your limit, there is only so much you can take.

Christen on the other hand seemed cool as a cucumber, or so you thought.

"Oh my god, that hoodie is Y/N's" Alex says pointing to the hoodie Christen was currently wearing "She used to wear it constantly at camp last year"

"And the joggers you were wearing when you arrived this morning, look Y/N is wearing them in this post" Allie shows her phone to the table.

"Girlfriends share clothes, what's the big deal!!" Christen is the first to crack.

You throw your hands in the air before sinking into your seat.

"I knew it!" Sonny says

"I told you so" Kelley tells Alex.

Christen lays her head on your shoulder "Sorry"

"No need to apologise, now I tell the world that you are all mine"

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