Girlfriends Share Clothes (Christen Press)

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You stood in the doorway as you watched your girlfriend riffle through your closet.

In this moment you stay quiet, admiring her from a distance.

This had become somewhat of a habit. Christen loves to wear your clothes despite the numerous times you told her that it would lead to questions.

The thing about been a professional athlete is that everyone wants to know everything about you. So when you and Christen started dating, she suggested that you kept it between the two of you. At first it worried you, did she want to keep it a secret because she was ashamed? However Christen make it very clear that she would love nothing more than to tell the world about how much she loved you but then the rest of the world would get involved in your relationship and the both of you didn't want that.

"You know it's considered rude to stare?" Christen says not taking her eyes off your hoodie collection.

"I'm not staring, just admiring the view"

You walk over to Christen, wrapping your arms around her waist, resting your chin on her shoulder.

"You know, you will probably find more of my clothes in your closet" You joke as you place a kiss on her cheek.

Christen turns around draping her arms around you neck.

"You have been shopping" she says playfully

You roll your eyes, of course Christen was already eyeing up your new clothes.

"Well I kinda had to. Someone keeps stealing hoodies, sweatpants, t-shirts " you count each item of clothing on your fingers "In fact they like to take everything".

Christen pouts "But they smell like you"

"Only if you let me wear them" you say poking holes in her logic.

"That is true. You can wear these and I will keep the ones I have"

"People are going to catch on Chris. Especially if you keep posting photos wearing my clothes on Instagram" you thought it was cute but some fans already have already started to speculate.

Christen doesn't say anything. You look in her eyes and you know exactly what she is thinking.

"Or is that the point?"

Your girlfriend simply shrugs her shoulders, you shake your head in response.

"This will be fun" you tell her.

"Not as fun as this" Christen says.

She leans forward, connecting her lips to yours. What is calm at first soon turns passionate as Christen deepens the kiss. You hold on her hips become tighter before Christens jumps, her legs now around your waist. You carry her though to the bedroom, it didn't matter if she was wearing her clothes or yours, they were coming off.

The next morning you leave for national camp. Last time you made the extra effort to arrive separately so your friends don't suspect anything. This time however you arrived together and it does not go unnoticed.

"And now you carpool?" Allie says when she sees you and Christen arrive.

"You know me, all about saving the environment one step at a time" You joke.

"But I thought you spent the off season in New York and Christen was in LA" Alex says joining in the torment.

So it begins, the sleuthing of the USWNT.

You turn to look at Christen, she should take this one.

"I had an event in New York and met up with Y/N afterwards" Christen says.

USWNT x reader imagines Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora