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Annalise's POV

New York City.

So many buildings.

So many people.

So many opportunities.

I am preparing for rehearsal tomorrow. I am exploring and going to different restaurants and cafés. I am having the time of my life but it's getting late and I should probably go back to my hotel.

I jump in an Uber and go to my hotel. As soon as I get to my room, I put my many shopping bags down and I get in the shower. As soon as I hit my bed, I fall asleep.

(Next Morning)

Annalise's POV

I woke up to my alarm. I took a cold shower to wake me up, put my long brown hair into two braids, and got dressed into a brown tank top, black leggings, and brown and white tennis shoes. I filled up my water bottle and I took an Uber to the theater for my first day of rehearsal!!

Ben's POV

I was brushing my wet hair when Josh barged into the room with some bacon.

"Hey Benji! Do you want any bacon?" Josh asked waving the bacon at me.

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that?!" I said, annoyed.

"As many times as it takes for you to realize that I will always call you Benji because it suits you." Josh said, smiling.

"So do want bacon?" He asked again, still waving the bacon in my face.

"Sure, just put it on a paper towel in the kitchen." I said finishing brushing my hair.

Like it was much of a kitchen. My apartment was 400 square feet, which was better than some people got, but I still didn't have very much space in the "kitchen". Josh put the bacon on a paper towel and sat down on the couch. I put on a blue t-shirt and white shoes to go with my grey sweatpants. I went into the kitchen and ate the bacon. I then started to put some fruit in a bowl with yogurt and poured myself some milk.

"So?" Josh asked, "are you excited for rehearsal?"

"I am excited to learn new choreo and meet new people." I said.

"Me too!" He said

"Oh shit, we should go like right now." I said frantically, finishing the last of my yogurt.

"Language Benji." Josh said.

"Whatever." I said, rolling my eyes.

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