The beginning (1)

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"Red!!" Mk whined, running after redson. Redson giggled, running away from Mk with a frog in his hands. "You'll never catch me!" He said to Mk, snickering. Mk grunted as he ran as fast as his little legs could take him

"But that's my frog! I caught it fair and square!"

"Well it's mine now! Hah!" He yelled back, the frog jumping out of his hands. His eyes widened and he yelped, running after the frog. "Nooo! Come back here!" Red yelled, trying to get closer to the frog.

Mk stared as redson tried to catch the frog, still running after him. "Catch it!!!" He said, fear obvious in his voice. He didn't want to lose this silly frog.

"I'm trying xiaotian!" He yelled back, jumping at the frog but falling in a puddle of mud. He groaned as the frog jumped away out of sight, Mk finally catching up to him.

Mk panted as he looked down at redson. "Did you- hah.. hah... did you catch him?!" Mk spoke in anticipation. Redsons eyes were wide, straight ahead. "I lost him..." Mk stared at redson in distraught. "It's all your fault!" He yelled, picking up some mud and throwing it at redson.

"Hey!" He yelled, grabbing some mud and throwing it at Mk back. Mk gasped and redson giggled. Mk picked up more mud and threw it at redson. Redson got up, picked up some more mud and this all lead to a mud throwing war.
"Haha!! Where are you red?!" Mk yelled, covered in mud. Redson snuck up behind him and splashed some mud on top of Mks head and ran away, laughing. Mk turned around and threw the ball of mud he had grabbed in advance at redson.

Redson laughed, still running away. Mk followed, also laughing as the two children ran together. Redson knew where he was going, yet Mk didn't. Redson was a role model for the boy, considering Mk had nobody to look up to.

Redson and Mk ran until a voice yelled. "Redson!!! It's getting late, let's go!" It was faint, but could definitely be heard. Redson frowned, knowing he had to leave. He stopped running and let Mk catch up.

"Xiaotian... I have to go..." He said with a frown. Mk groaned. "Awhh... okay... we'll see each other again tomorrow, right?" He asked, disappointed that redson had to leave so soon. "Of course! When the sun is at its highest like always."

Mk nodded, excited for the next time they would meet. They hugged each other, welcoming each others warm and comforting embrace. Redson departed and waved before running off into the direction of his home. "Coming mother!!!"

Redson shouted, now out of Mks sight. Mk sighed, walking away. His brain replayed all the memories in his head, cherishing them. Redson was the one and only person he knew... He wondered off to a little area he stayed at, ready for another day of fun with redson tomorrow.
Hey guys! I'm gonna pray that I won't get writers block in the middle of this</3

Hope you enjoyed :)

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