<I Like You>

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I don't know if you can tell or not but

I like you

I like your smile

I like your eyes

I like your cheeks

I like your laugh

I like how listen

I like how you talk

I like your patience

I like the fact that you cover your hoodie over your mouth when you laugh

I like how quiet you are when the teacher tells us to be

I like how your allergic to cats but still love them

I like how when you smile you hide it with your phone

I like how you sit under the desk with me but at the complete opposite end

I like your annoyance when I kick you

I like how you always know when I'm sad

You make me realize things

You ask me questions I have to think about

I don't know if you'll even notice this is about you

But if you do I want you to know

I like you.

Only With You I'm Beautiful ~Love Poetry~Where stories live. Discover now