Chapter 2: Drunk

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Author's POV

"So are you going to finish college?" Armin asked trying to make conversation. Eren sighed "yeah if I don't Mikasa will fuck me up...literally. its online college so yeah. But with her being so touchy I never have time to get any work done". Suddenly there was a "thud" on the store's front window. Eren slid over the counter and went outside, to see a He had a raven undercut, was quite short, and he was leaning against the window. In the mans hands was a beer bottle and cigarette .

"Excuse me sir. I'm going to have to ask you to leave. No smoking on this premises" Eren said sternly to the man. The man glared at him. Eren was taken aback at the man's hard steel silver eyes. They sliced into Eren's . "Don't tell me what to fucking do. Brat" the man shot back and took a swig of his beer. "Y-You have to leave" Eren said with a studder. All of a sudden Eren found himself pinned against the window with the man glaring up at him. Despite Eren's height leverage, he was still quite intimedated. "Who's going to make me? Definitely not you. Scrawny shitty brat. I could kill you with my hands tied tight behind my fucking back" the man breathed into Eren's face. The mans breath reeked of smoke and alcohol. Eren coughed. The man jumped back. "Don't ever fucking cough on me or sneeze or whatever the fuck! Germ infested brat!" The man shrieked. He finished his cigarette and threw it on the ground. Eren just leaned against the window in shock.

The man walked away drunkinly. Eren walked back inside the store. "Who was that!?" Armin asked in fear as he said as he held up the stapler. Eren chuckled "just some drunk. But if it was a paper monster you would have taken him down". Armin laughed nervously and sat the stalker down. Though Eren tried to okay it off cool, he was a bit shaken up himself.

~back at Eren's apartment, after work ~

As Eren sat at the kitchen counter, he held his left wrist. It was red and bruised. That man had a good strong grip on him.

Eren's POV

Who the hell was that old drunk? Was he actually old? He didn't look too much older then me. Hm.

Author's POV

Mikasa suddenly started to kiss Eren's neck. Eren jumped in surprise and hastily pulled his sleeves down. If Mikasa saw the bruises she would freak the fuck out.

"How was work?" Mikasa asked in a soft voice between kisses.

Eren rolled his eyes "it was fine". Mikasa walked into the kitchen. "That's good. What would you like for dinner?" She asked, opening the fridge. "Doesn't matter to me" Eren replied .

For the rest of the night Eren couldnt stop thinking about the event with the drunk. Little did he know things were about to get way more interesting then just a pushy confrontation.

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