"Ah, there you are, (Y/n)," Eli greeted with a small smile as he walks over to you. Brooke chirps as a greeting and flaps her wings.

"Hello there, Eli. Is there something you need from me?" You asked him and took another book before sitting back down.

He nodded, "Yes there is, actually. I was curious," Eli trailed off and stood beside your seated form. "Was there someone called 'Gertrude' looking for me?"

"I see, you're straight to the point then," You nod. "But yes there was someone called Gertrude looking for you."

It looks like his face lit up from the fact. He then sat next to you and Brooke got down his shoulder to walk on the table towards you. "How is she? Is she alright?" He asks.

"Yeah, physically she's been fine. But mentally... I wouldn't say so," You sighed before petting Brooke.

"Actually, no. The first time I saw her, she was very thin, and had dark circles around her eyes," You shake your head. "And she was willing to give me every penny so that I could investigate on your case."

"Really?" Eli asked, shocked. You hummed, "Yes, but now, I don't know if you want to hear what happened to her. It's not tragic or anything, but it's just about your love life, I guess."

"I didn't gossip about it, her family told me and-"

"It's fine. I already have an idea of what happened," Eli gave you a small smile. "Is she happy?"

"I think so, her health; physically and mentally has been improving alot ever since," You said.

Eli sighed deeply, "I guess it's alright then. I want her to be happy, and if that's the only way, then let her be." Brooke left your side and quickly comforted Eli, in which he patted her head.

You were looking at him, feeling like you needed to comfort him so you put a hand on his shoulder and patted him. He was surprised by the sudden sympathy and smiled at you,"Thank you."

"It's no problem," You said and pulled back your hand. "I actually still have those letters she wished to give to you, do you still want to receive them?" You ask him.

"Yes please," Eli nodded. "Alright, I'll give them to you after dinner, is that alright?" You said.

"Yes, that's alright, thank you so much," Eli said and gave you another smile. You nod and looked back down at the new book you got.

"Oh, what're you reading about?" Eli asked and leaned in closer.

"Just some books that I think are useful," You said, as you flipped the book. "May I ask, can you really see through Brooke Rose's eyes?"

Eli looked stunned, "Oh, yes. I do. Did you learn that from Gertrude?" He asked.

You nod, "She gave me your full profile. So I basically know a lot," You shrugged.

"I just hope that doesn't creep you out..." You mumbled. "Oh no, it's fine. It's part of your job after all," Eli reassured you and shook his head.

"Well, if you say so," You said and continued with reading.

A few moments has passed and Eli broke the silence, "I would like to ask, how is the outside world?"

"The outside world, huh?" You said before staring up at the ceiling
"It's pretty much the same old, same old," You sighed.

"Still corrupt and has a lot of issues," You shrugged. "I guess you can say it's getting worse, to be honest."

"Oh, I see..." Eli mumbled before leaning back on his chair with a sigh. "Do you ever think we'll get out of this place?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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