Chapter 3

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     You calmly walk out of Miss Nightingale's office as she bid you goodbye. You look through the halls before you clasped a hand through your shirt where your heart was beating rapidly.

You took a few breaths as you felt cold sweat run from your temple. Talking to her definitely made you more disturbed than anything. After a few seconds you begun to compose yourself. You aren't going to show your invulnerability in this place.

As you begun to walk from where you came from, hoping to find Emma or any of the hospitable residences to show you around, someone bumped into you.

"I-I'm so sorry!" A meek voice apologised as she picked up a few gadgets that she dropped. She was clearly struggling holding those items in the first place so you decided to help her.

You kneeled down and begun to place the different kind of gadgets into your arms,"It's alright Miss..?"

"Oh, it's Tracy Reznik! Nice to meet you detective," She bowed vigorously which made her drop her gadgets more, "Oh dear..."

"Here, let me help you carry those and in exchange would you mind telling me where Emma is?" You asked and helped her pick up the items that were dropped and put some into yours.

"Oh Emma? I think she's in the garden  tending the plants again," Tracy said as she balanced the gadgets. "I see, well after I help you with this I'll be going."

"Thank you so much for helping me Detective (L-"

"(Y/n) is alright, you don't have to call me a Detective or anything," You cut her off, "Now, where we're you going?"

"Oh right! Luca's waiting for me to bring some of my inventions to his room so we can both look at it together," Tracy explained.

"But why not just go to your room instead?" You ask with a raise brow. "Oh I couldn't do that, as a fellow inventor we should atleast be smart about time management and since I wasn't doing anything i thought that I could bring them instead."

"And because my room was a mess," Tracy muttered, "I heard that," You let out a small smile at her comment.

"Yo-you heard nothing!" Tracy quickly denied the it. "Well here we are, thank you for helping me carry this"

"No problem Ms. Tracy," You said. "It's also alright for you to just call me Tracy, if I can call you by your first name, should I too?" Tracy smiled.

You smiled and nodded at her. She knocked on the door as both if you patiently wait for 'Luca'  to open it. There were a lot of ruckus going on like a few things dropping from the other side and a thump before the door opened.

There stood a young man with messy brown hair that was put into a pony tail along with a standard prisoner shirt. You were shock that he has a black eye that hasn't been treated for what you think was a while now, not only that but he's neck was covered with bandages and he was wearing a metal chain and shackles.

He gave both you and Tracy a toothy grin, showing off a fang on the side of his mouth, "Ah Tracy, and the Detective! What brings you here?"

"Hello, I was just helping Tracy here carry her stuff," You carefully put them on the table which Tracy beckoned you over.

"I see, well my name's Luca Balsa, Detective. If you need any tinkering, you can ask me," Luca said and begun to examine Tracy's gadgets.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Balsa, I'm (Y/n) (L/n) and it's alright to drop the formalities, you can just call me by my name," You nodded at him.

"Well if we're doing that, then you can also just call me by my name, (Y/n)!" Luca gave another toothy grin at your direction.

You gave him a small smile, "Alright then, Luca." He nodded and gave you a thumbs up before full on concentrating at the inventions in front of him. Tracy waved at you before she begun to examine what seems to be the newest invention of Luca.

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