Chapter 14: The Dreaded Dessert

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Despite saying this, Kibou looked concerned. He stuck another plate on the tower, now making it seventeen tall, and started flipping through the menu. Kibou called back the waitress and pointed at an item on the menu, making Sakura intrigued and the waitress stunned.

Waitress: "A-Are you sure, sir? T-that might be a bit too..."

Kibou: "Oh, I'm sure! I could pay up front if you want?" He took out his wallet and began to take out his card when she stopped him.

Waitress: "I'll be right back, sir...! Smart, good-looking, rich..." She muttered that last part only intending herself to hear, but Sakura overheard. Kibou was just as clueless though.

Sakura: "What the hell did you order!?"

Kibou: "Oh, just this thing called the Golden Haute Chocolate Sundae."

Sakura: "D-Do I even want to know how much that cost...?" He asked, afraid to open his menu.

Kibou just shrugged and went back to his work. Sakura's expression forever changed from bored to terrified as he waited patiently. The next thirty minutes were filled with fear as he dreaded what he would see when this dessert finally came out, but he had to wait no longer. There it was, inside a golden goblet was a scoop of vanilla, a thin sheet of gold surrounding it, except for the top, whipped cream on top with shavings of gold and various kinds of cocoa, and lastly was an expensive, rare truffle... It even came with a golden spoon as if that made it any better.

Waitress: "H-Here you go, sir."

Kibou: "Oh, it's not for me. It's for my friend there."

She looked over at Sakura, then back at him. They were both at a loss for words that he would buy this for someone else like it was a gift.

Waitress: "You have a very good friend..." She placed the goblet in front of Sakura and gently placed the box with the spoon next  to it.

Sakura: "I... I honestly have no words." As the waitress walked away, Sakura couldn't believe what he was staring at. His mind thought it was playing a trick on itself, that this was all fake, but it wasn't. 

Sakura: "What the hell do you do for a living!"

Kibou: "Ahhhh..." He glanced to the side, a sweat drop running down the side of his head. "I take care of pests before they cause a problem for my work place..."

Sakura: "AND THAT ALLOWS YOU TO PAY FOR A 25K SUNDAE!?" Sakura nearly slammed his hands on the table, but stopped himself at the last possible moment. He didn't want to ruin this dessert.

Relenting, he let out a sigh and picked up the spoon. As tempting as it was to put it in the fridge for the rest of time, it would be better eaten. Just as he took the first bite it was like he was taken to a different world. All the different tastes attacked his taste buds and he felt like melting there, he didn't even notice the Rat Zodiac minions bust through the door.

Kibou: "Are you kidding me? Right now?"

AI: "What do you want to do? Do you plan on going Chrono in front of Sakura?"

Kibou: "I don't really have a choice... Henshin!"

Kibou jumped out of his chair and ran towards the front of the cafe, a torrent of sand being picked up as his golden suit appeared on him. He jumped into the air and kicked one of the Rat Mooks out of the cafe. 

Summoning his twinblade, Chrono immediately split it in two and slashed two, causing sparks to fly and them to get thrown into the air. 

Before he could continue though, another two grabbed his arms and tossed him through the air, crashing through a table next to Sakura, who was still lost in dreamland. Chrono stood back up as fast as he possibly could and tackled one before they could touch Sakura.

AI: "Should we freeze time? That would make our lives so much easier."

Chrono: "Do we need to do that to beat them though?" Chrono flipped a Rat Mook onto his back and a portal appeared in front of him. He reattached the twinblade and reached through, a gun appearing in his hand as he shot a couple times at the Rat Mook beneath his boot. 

AI: "True, it would be shameful of us to use something like that on things this weak." 

(Compatibility: 33%)

AI: "Although... We could use another trick of ours."

Chrono: "We have another thing?"

AI: "Go ahead and open up more portals."

Chrono: "Uh, okay?"

Chrono kicked one away and held out his hand, concentrating on opening more portals. Several began to pop up, and golden chains shot out, wrapping around all the Zodiac Mooks.

Chrono: "Woah!"

AI: "Pretty cool, huh?"

Chrono: "It is! Let's end this now, Aibo!"

AI: "Right!" Chrono could feel a smirk appear on AI's face despite it being a belt at this point. Chrono shattered the twinblade and aimed the gun forward. "Grand Time Shot!"

The sound of gunfire could be heard all throughout the cafe as Chrono held down the trigger, multiple bullets flying out, ricocheting off each other and bouncing into the chest of the Rat Mooks, turning them to dust.




Sakura: "Hm? What happened?" Sakura opened his eyes and saw the destroyed cafe, and Kibou slumping back into his seat.

Kibou: "Rat problems..."

Sakura: "What kinda rat could cause all this?"

Kibou: "They were big rats..."

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