"Didn't your friend keep you entertained?"

"He is not you, Adrian." He chuckled and raised his head to meet my eyes. "Adrian I never said this to anyone except to Aliyah."

"What is it, Baby girl?" 

"I love you."

He stayed silent. A moment later he shifted and slept beside me. 

I glanced at him with disappointment, "When Aliyah brought up the topic of the wedding in front of you. What was the first thought that came to your head related to me?"

"I thought you were favoring me," I replied truthfully.

"Have you ever wondered why I wanted to marry you?"

I stared at him for a response, "Theo told me that he accidentally disclosed that I had stalked you for three years. It's not because of your beauty. It's because I saw myself in you. I was sure that if I married you, I would be the happiest person in the world." My heart was exhilarated to hear that from him, "Maybe if we were not in misunderstanding we would have got married till now but..." Adrian shifted his gaze from the ceiling to my face. "Do you think we would have loved each other this much? You turned me crazy the whole day. I kept staring at my bed, my couch where we made love. I missed you so much that's why I called Jacob. He said that you went to New Jersey. So I went there. Assuming you to visit your dad, I went to your neighbor's restaurant. But Uncle Kush informed me that you just went back to Manhatten. He even said that you looked sick." He surprised me by grabbing my t-shirt collar, "Tell me when was the last time you ate?"

"Jacob bought some muffins and donuts. I had that."

"OK. Did he cross his limits with you today?"

"No. Adrian. I didn't let him. Adrian, can I ask you one thing?" He nodded his head. "Did you like what we did the other night?"

"I enjoyed it."

"So, was it the same when you did with Andrea?"

"Honestly. I don't remember having sex with Andrea for the first time. We were doing some assignments and drank some energy drinks. But when I woke up the next morning she was on my bed and we were naked. Andrea was a pure money-minded girl. We broke because she left me after knowing that I was least interested in the money or property."

He gulped and added, "Because of my mom's death and my father's carelessness towards her, I left the house at 15. Andrea asked me to be her boyfriend at 14. We dated for one year and then she left me."

"Hmm..." I hummed, recalling his past and his mom's death.

"So you didn't date or like anyone?" Adrian inquired with a raised brow. 

"Only one."


I placed my head on his chest and added, "He is sleeping beside me."

He laughed and pulled me above him. I was still waiting for him to say that he loved me too. But he started another topic, "Jazmine. I am planning to move to Italy."

"Why. You have your company here."

"Yes. But I can't forget what happened with my mom. On the anniversary night, it was not that easy to walk inside the villa or walk out. It was the same house, my mom built with her design. And the same house she was thrown out."

"Adrian..." I lift my head to find hurt on his face. 

"I am fine." He squeezed me in his hug, "I love you too, Jazmine."

"Do you?"

"Yes. Maybe from the night of our accident." I heaved a big sigh of relaxation. I let my nerves relax and enjoy his warmth. I placed my ears against his heart and heard its beat. 

Jazmine: CEO's TemptationWhere stories live. Discover now