The beginning of the end!!

Start from the beginning

Mahi showing physical affection is as rare as Gauti Bhai laughing freely. And this realisation concerned him.

"Mahi!! Is everything really ok!! Why am I feeling that something is not ok!!", Mahi in that hug only, wiped his tears while still resting his chin on Yuvraj shoulder...and then separated with a fake smile.

"Stop thinking irrational things...and come with me now!!", He said while moving ahead.

"Otherwise, the little brain you are left with...will also get vanish!!", Yuvraj runs hearing his sentence and jump on him from back. Finally the two friends laughingly move to their midnight adventure.

Next Day

"Mahi!!I am going...but don't you dare to make someone else your best friend!! Especially that Sonu!!", He said while hugging him tightly making a face.

"Yah!! Now get lost...and I won't miss you!!", Said Mahi but hugged him more tightly which made Yuvi smile.

"Chal!! Will meet you soon!!", Yuvi said with a small smile.

And departed from there for his treatment!!

Mahi smiles and then looks around!!

Everyone were smiling and praying for Yuvi's recovery and so was he!!

But before that, he was getting ready for whatever is about to happen.

And soon it happened!!

"The selection list for next squad is here!", And as everyone saw it, their face paled.

"Why is Viru not there?", Asked Sach Pa first little shocked.

"Check it again!", Said Zak Pa taking the list in his own hand. The result didn't change.

"Even after such marvelous performance, what can be the reason to drop Viru!!", Sach Pa voice sounded a little angry, enough to raise someone's heartbeat. Someone, who was just gauging everyone's reaction without uttering a word.

However, Virat opened the news. He was still new, adapting to the new environment.

And as expected, the headlines were all over there.

"I do not understand, what can be the reason for this change! Greg Chappell!?", Asked Virat in small voice little confusingly.

Getting no reply, he just left from there.

"I don't think, It's Chappell now!! Otherwise, Dada would have been informed before!! Should we call Dada!? He must have some information!", It wasn't hard to guess, since cricket politics wasn't hidden from the once former captain. He still keeps tab on every inside news of BCCI.

"Viru is not there!! Yuvi is on his way to treatment!! Who is next now!!? What's happening to our team!?", He heard every word, but was too scared to confront them!!

"The call got connected!!", Rohit said and Mahi tried to strengthen himself for whatever is going to come on his way.

"No----", before Viru pa could stop him, the call got connected.

"Hello", Dada's voice rang through the room. Rohit came to know that he should have ask before calling him.
Viru Pa kind of glared him, But Sachin just rub his arms and ask him to take the call. Rohit just shrunk back and soon left from there.

It was only Sehwag, Sachin, Gautam, Zak and few other seniors along with Mahi in the room.

"Viru!! Are you ok? I know you are disappointed. But atleast talk!! Ok!??!"

"You knew!?"

"Ofcourse I do Sach!! And I am sorry I couldn't change their decision!!"

"Why couldn't you?", And Sachin only got silence in reply.

"Sach!! I could have, only if it was someone else!!",He left the word hanging and just sighed.

"Don't lose your hope Viru!! Remember what I always used to say!! Until you believe in yourself, noone can break you!!", He said and his eyes automatically finds Mahi, who just looks back at him silently.

"Thanks Dadi!! Maybe, I needed that!!", He said with a smile and cut the call. Whereas Sachin's mind was still stuck in their previous conversation.

"About whom Dadi was talking? Who is this, with whom Dadi cannot fight!?"

The question of Sachin Pa remains unanswered but there was someone, who knew that he should be ready for whatever future holds for him.


Guys, I know you wanted long update...but sorry!! I want to give my 101% to this one!! And for that, I need to do some research as well since I have very faint memory of those controversy at that time!! Yet, I am trying my best to put my best in this one from my POV!

So I am warning you already that, it won't be updated regularly. It will be a very slow update!! Hopefully, you will like it!!

P.S: My device isn't working properly. So, maybe there can be spelling errors as there is something extremely wrong with this device. It's typing on its yeah!! Bear with it for timebeing!!

See you soon in next one!! Bbye 👐💙

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