the beginning (what ive already wrote)

Start from the beginning

I heard I faint beeping and light was coming through my eyelids. my eyes flew open as I tried to get up only to collapse back down, I took a moment to look around at my surroundings, I was in the hospital. i checked my self out and noticed i was smaller.. i look like 12 year old me
"what the-" the doctors  noticed I was awake and talking so they rushed to my aid and asked me what felt like a bajilion questions.  The doctor examined me and gave an update of what happened. They said i'd received major head trauma from a supposed large truck crash which caused a fracture and damage along my lower neck. The bones in my neck might have been fractured. I had a broken pelvis, a few fractured ribs, multiple bruises on my stomach, a sprained wrist, hip, knee, and I have a concussion, they said, and a mild concussion, my head, I was fine. As they were saying this, the hospital room door slid open and a man walked in, I immediately recognized him as Stanly, but I feigned ignorance. Stanly probably have not seen me at all before..
"who... are you?"
he was looked at me with a worried expression. He walked over to my bedside table and put his hand on my forehead, I pulled away as fast as I could. His gaze softened and I looked away, trying to hide the blush that was coming to my cheeks.
"Don't worry kid, you're okay now. your at the hospital." my eyes widened, oh no. I probably didn't exist here so they will find out that I don't exist here by my name (cuz there is a record of everyone)... what do i do?
'that has been taken care of.' the axolotls familiar voice filled my head.  my breath caught in my throat as I gasped loudly. Stanly and the doctor looked at me confused, then my breathing calmed again, my heart beating quickly. The doctor then turned to Stanly,
"your gonna have to step out, there's someone who wants to meet her." Stanly slowly stepped away and closed the door behind him. then a man with a pink sweater and jeans walked in.
"Hello, jake. you may not remember me but I'm Tyrone." his voice was the same as... the axolotl. heh, he chose dippers dream name, hilarious.that must be him.
"Hello, Tyrone." we did some small talk while we talked telepathically.
'why are you here? AND WHY AM I TWELVE F****** YEARS OLD' I laughted at a comment he said while we were talking.
' to guide you, I'll be here and there. I'll come when you are in trouble. and i made your form twelve years old so you could get closer to dipper and mable' I stopped in the middle of my sentence.
'why are you doing this for me?' then I recalled what I heard before I arrived here.
' are you my father?' I tilted my head as I asked a question.
"yes." he looked at his watch,
"I better go, bye jake." then he walked out, what question did he answer? the one I said aloud, or the one I said telepathically? or did he answer both.... stan and a doctor walked in.
"who was that?" stan asked inquisitively.
"the person who carried me to the shack, why?"
"no reason..." yeah there is definitely a reason.


it has been a while since the axolotl had brought me to gravity falls, and I've become accustomed  to life here, I got a job at the mystery shack, and im living there. the only reason that I'm living there is because stan found out I'm kinda homeless here, and i still look like im twelve years old, im still very p***ed about that.... I found out that i have enough time to recover from the multiple injuries i have before the twins arrive.. so I'm going to have to wait a while untill they are here, and along with that, bill and weirmaggedon... unless I find a way to summon bill.... I may have to steal journal number one. eh, not like Gideon is doing any good with it, but I would have to return it so the twins can find bill....  I hope they don't kill him. wait what? I hope they don't kill him because he is a part of my plans. well, they won't..  I'm sure of it.

Afew months after, i had recovered enough to walk.i was walking across the road when I spotted something red and glittering in the bushes, it wasn't really a thing i would call clothing per say, but I knew what it was.. I slowly crept forward to see what it was... I bent down to pick it up. it wasn't a price of clothing! it was a small dog drenched in blood. I thought it was dead because it was so statuesque, but when I put an ear next to it I felt a slight breath coming out of it. I gently picked it up and brought it to the local vet... I hope it makes it. the veterinarian that was  tending to the dogs was kind to me, even though i didn't say very much. she gave me a bandage to cover the injury, and told me that if I could keep the dog alive, she would try her best to heal its injuries, and also give me a reward. i was glad it wasn't dead.. I payed for the treatment with the last of the money I had and went to the pet store to get the basic needs for a dog. I  bought food, toys, clothes, etc. and then I went home, after a quick shower, I changed into a new outfit. since the one I was wearing was covered in the poor dogs blood. I sighed heavily as I sat at the edge of my bed and stared at the floor. I'm going on a heist, today. and i trust that the universe is on my side today, I stood and stretched. and I started getting ready to steal journal number 1. more like borrow.. because it is necessary that Gideon summons bill. well... it isn't but I like dream scaperers... so yeah. I also told stan what I was doing because knew he would be fine with it. he sent me with all the things I needed and a pat on the back. my dog rosie.. who later I found out was a mix of Saint Bernard and corgi, which is a strange yet adorable mix. pawed at me,   begging to leave with me, but i refused.
"hey rosie, i know, i know.. we'll have fun when I get back, okay?" I  stroked her soft fur and petted her head softly. She nuzzled my hand in affection and then wagged her tail. I smiled, happy that I was giving her a treat. I left the house and headed to where i thought Gideon house was, and I was correct, I snuck up to the window and climbed in because it was open. once inside, i closed and locked the window and then set myself down on his floor. my eyes scanned the walls for a place where i could take the book, and it wasn't that hard.. i grabbed a pen and a piece of paper and wrote the summoning spell down on the paper, when I stuffed it in my pocket and put the book down I heard a door creek open and  shut.. my breathing hitched as i held my breath.. Gideon appeared, his hair slicked back in his usual style, wearing black pants and a grey sweater with a white v neck and black dress shoes. he walked towards his desk to grab a book and flipped through it for a moment before he placed it back and continued walking towards my direction untill he stopped, and turned away from   me and headed towards the bathroom, his back towards me. I relaxed and let go of the breath I was holding, and I quickly snuck out and headed home.. it was getting quite dark. Once I got to my room I jumped into bed and fell asleep, thinking to myself about how much fun im going to have tomorrow...

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