chapter 11 - for you

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Pov y/n
I was still sitting holding his hands and all of à sudden he blink a little but he still is in his sleep and then all of a sudden I heard the door getting open I thought it was Mr Jackson but it was your biggest fear.

He enters

I stand up from my place in fear.

Hyu-nn soo I hesitated
I was about to scream but he soon approached me and grab me by my mouth I couldn't even self defense myself he was so strong and then he
take à knife out from his pocket pointing at hajun's neck and say's

"Do you really want me to kill him right here and now"
I nodded as a sign of "NO" and tears become to form in my eyes by fear

"Very well than dont scream or he dies here and right now"

I nodded as yes.

He then directly pushes me through the washroom (the hospital room washroom) and bangs me against the wall so hard that it hit my head so much but not so much to get collapse, that scary chills and my biggest fear from my past was happening again, even now my body become to shiver because of the pain and fear. Then he leaves my mouth and grabbes me by my hair. It pained like hell

"You know I really don't wanna hurt you or anyone around here just don't make me angry huh y/n" Said hyun-soo

I'm sorry I replied in a really pained voice. Then ask him "" Why are you doing this to me? " In a pained voice

"Aww it's okay just be careful next time""I have done nothing to do if I compare you to my other girlfriends because I love you. He said

He continued "you gotta come with me to Japan forever and leave everything here okay because if you resist he dies and if right now Jackson came back and you told him everything eventually both will die because this hospital is covered with my guards and they're watching you so"

Can I say him one last goodbye till he wakes up please and promise you won't hurt him please. I replied

"Huhh one last good bye ohk I promise but then you are coming with me okk" He replied

Then he goes out of the washroom and leaves the room.

I just close the washroom door and just fell from pain realizing a little late that I'm having a panic attack I tried to hide my voice, I tried to hide myself, my whole body begin to shiver in pain I know that going with hyun-soo means ending your life miserably and in a cruel way.
From here I heard the door open this time I was sure that it's Jackson but than a sweet voice came to my ears to calm me down while I was controlling myself not to breakdown and it was hajun's voice asking about me. I realized that he woke up
I soon get up from their I hide my scars wash my face and tried to look normal like always and tried to put a fake smile.

I opened the door I saw hajun was awoke and now he is sitting on the bed I really wanted to hug him right here and now but I can't because hyun-soo will know I just need to say my last good bye to him

Hajun - hey

I replied back "hey thank god you're awake I was really worried"

Awwww Jackson mocked

Hajun hit him on the shoulder.
And laugh it off

and then I ask - "hajun are you really sure you're okk"

He replied - yeah I'm fit and fine just a little hurt on the head.

Then mr Jackson asked to him " do you remember what the theif looked like? "
He answered - "no actually he attacked from behind and when he was in front of me till then I lost my consciousness"(confused face)

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