He sat down next to me, placing his hand on my knee. "I'm sorry, Lola. I just wanted to make sure not to pressure you if you found out later."

I smiled, my sour mood vanishing.

"I'll get back to my flat," he murmurs, tracing my stockings with his fingers until he reaches the belt, snapping it against my skin. "I'll be damned, did you have to wear stockings?" He groans and I chuckle, brushing him off and getting my purse.

"I'll play with those tonight." He takes my lips in a hungry kiss and my pulse hammers in excitement.

I took his dark sexy look with me to work.

David Ryan was sitting in my office when I arrived at work, causing me to halt in surprise and stare dumbly at him.

"I received an email from Louis Tomlinson," he smiles widely, which puts me at ease. "It seems like the club is possibly reopening this weekend."

"Oh great," I pretended to be surprised, setting my purse on the leather chair in the corner since he was taking over my office. "I can't wait to see it from the inside." Another lie, since I practically fucked the son of the cooperative company's CEO inside it.

"I'll have Andrea send you the passes when they arrive." He stands up. "And by noon I want you to meet your team later. I'll let you know when." I nodded and watched as he left my office, shutting the door quietly behind him.

I pulled out my phone and texted Louis: well, you saved me from looking like a dumb in front of my boss. Thanks for letting me know about the reopening x 

He replied less than a minute later. My pleasure, now get back to work.

Why should I listen to you? You're not my boss. I smiled in amusement when he sent me a scowling face, and I waited not so patiently as he typed.

You'd better listen if you don't want that garter belt stinging your thighs.

Holy shit. I felt my cheeks redden and I sat down, debating a response that might render him speechless.

Such filthy thoughts you have, Mr Tomlinson. But I wouldn't suggest arousing my lust or I'd have to take care of it in my lunch break.

And I wouldn't suggest testing me by doing that. After all, I still remember marking your ass with my hands and enjoying it immensely, Cherry.

This conversation was slowly turning to sexting and I had work to do.

I'll talk to you again in my lunch break. I have work to do x

I sat my phone down and opened the blue file in front of me, reading carefully yet as my mind was still stuck on the memory of Louis's hand on my backside. I was unable to tamp my smile as I went on with the task in hand, and it was so strange that things had somewhat become easier when I confessed to myself—and him—that I wasn't able to resist anymore.


It was finally lunch break and I was done meeting with my team. I pulled out my phone again and texted Louis to ask if we can have lunch together.

Are you the same Lola I know? Because that's the first time you ask me to have lunch with you?

Are you in or not? I rolled my eyes and smiled when he sent me thumbs up.

I'll pick you up in ten—don't you dare protest. 

I laughed and took my purse, deciding to wait in the lobby than have him come up here and face Ryan's rude self. Or even make one of the interns swoon. The second idea was so annoying and I sighed, wondering when have I become so sensitive about who I was sleeping with.

Probably because other guys would just be less possessive than he was, and less professional in the sac. Definitely less stamina. I was shaking my head to rid myself from those thoughts when I caught him getting out of his car, his suit sharpening his looks and making him look like a shrewd business man. My mouth watered at the sight of him, and I was close to melting in the middle of the lobby.

I quickly stepped out before he could get inside the building and he looked at me questioningly, opening the car door for me. I ducked inside and watched as he slid gracefully in his seat, turning to look at me again.

"What?" I asked, uncomfortable by his stare.

"Nothing," he mumbled, driving off. "Just wondering why you were so afraid of being seen with me."

Oh shit.

"It's not what you think," I winced—I hated this sentence more than anything. "I just didn't want an intern to swoon over you, that's pretty damn annoying."

His posture relaxed and he smiled wryly, shaking his head. He placed his free hand on my knee and trailed it up to my thigh, where my stockings met the garter belt. He snapped it once, and I glared at him.

"What was that for?" I asked and he snapped it again, so I punched him in his arm.

"Your texts made me hard." He said simply and before he snapped it again, I removed his hand and loosened my seat belt, bending down that my face was close to his crotch. I noted his grip on the steering wheel has tightened and smirked.

"I can fix that," I chuckled, unzipping his pants. "But you better keep your eyes on the road."

I basked in triumph as he groaned my name helplessly.


It's a weird ending but hey, I wrote this in an hour so it's quite an accomplishment. Don't forget to comment—I love your comments *pouts prettily*

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