Chapter 47: Answers

Start from the beginning

Sarah knew all that, of course, but it didn't explain anything about the Prophecy.

"There is an old way of magic, one that was used by Lily, but not only. It was used by your parents as well," he continued.

She frowned a bit, remembering he'd said at the end of her third year that it was 'love' the reason Professor Quirell couldn't touch Harry during their fight.

"The power unknown to Tom, is, how Harry put it earlier, love. Not only as a sentiment, but as the magic emanated from it. A protective charm powerful enough to ricochet onto Tom and conceal you completely behind your parents is not something manufactured easily. Powerful magic is born from powerful feelings, and I've yet to meet a stronger feeling than love," said Dumbledore, and afterwards, he ate the last piece of his cake.

Sarah took in his words, it made sense, this sort of powerful white magic being unknown to a dark wizard. But he was omitting some aspects of her question, still, "But that doesn't explain why I heard the Prophecy. And a 'Protector'? Was it Lily then?"

"Yes, it was," said Dumbledore, "As for you hearing it...I suppose Harry's proximity made the Prophecy audible to you."

He didn't look at her, instead he stared right ahead at the horizon, with a finality to his tone that suggested she shouldn't ask further questions. She bit on the inside of her cheek, something didn't sit right with her. But it was Albus Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts, one of the most powerful wizards of their time. Why did she feel like she couldn't trust him on this?

"If you'll excuse me, I need to head back to Hogwarts. There are matters that require my attention there," he said, turning to her, "Is there anything else you wish to ask?"

Sarah eyed him, hesitating in pushing forward with her questions, but then decided to search her answers on her own, "No, sir. Thank you for your time. I'll go check on Harry and the others."

He nodded briefly and Disapparated. Sarah stood there for a few minutes and thought where she could begin. She remembered Elisa Shnaps, a witch she met last summer, living close to Manchester, her family had a sort of obsession for old magic, that could a place to start.

She knew everyone was all right now, at least physically, and she could leave. She stopped by Harry's room to see if he had woken up, thankfully he had. He was putting his glasses back on.

"How're you doing?" she asked, standing before the foot of the bed.

"I don't know," he said quietly, his voice a bit trembling. "I lost him."

Her breath hitched, "I'm so sorry."

Harry sighed deeply, "You're all I've got, now."

Her eyes watered, and she walked over to sit down and hug him tightly. She heard him sniff, and felt his tears stream down.

"Are you okay?" he whispered.

She shook her head, pulling away. She'd cried, too, and wiped her tears with her sleeve, "I'll leave a bit north, in Manchester. I need to find some answers about something that happened."

He raised an eyebrow, "What?"

Sarah hesitated, for the first time she hesitated to tell him something. She didn't know if it was wise to add even more confusion.

"What do you know about Prophecies?" she asked him and he shrugged.

"Not much, but Malfoy told me that Voldemort needed me there in order to hear it," said Harry. He looked down at his hands, "And I went there like a complete idiot. It cost me Sirius," he added bitterly.

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