Chapter 2: Themes, Characters, and Plot

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One of the central themes of "Heart of Darkness" is colonialism and its impact on both the colonizers and the colonized. Conrad portrays the European colonizers as greedy and exploitative, exploiting the resources of the Congo while treating the African people as subhuman. The story is also a critique of the hypocrisy of European civilization and its claims of moral superiority.

Another major theme is the darkness that resides within the human heart. The story explores the idea that man is capable of committing unspeakable acts of violence and cruelty, particularly when given power and authority. This idea is embodied in the character of Kurtz, who descends into madness and becomes a brutal tyrant in his quest for power and wealth.


The main character in "Heart of Darkness" is Charles Marlow, a sailor who is sent on a mission to the Congo to find Kurtz. Marlow is an introspective and philosophical character who serves as the narrator of the story. He is fascinated by the mystery surrounding Kurtz and is determined to uncover the truth about him.

Kurtz is the central figure in the story, even though he is not physically present for much of it. He is described as a brilliant and charismatic figure who has become a legend among the European traders in the Congo. However, as Marlow learns more about Kurtz, he realizes that the man is also a monster who has committed unspeakable acts of violence.

Other important characters in the story include the African people who are exploited by the European colonizers, as well as the European traders themselves. These characters serve to highlight the themes of imperialism, racism, and the abuse of power.


The plot of "Heart of Darkness" follows Marlow's journey up the Congo river in search of Kurtz. Along the way, Marlow encounters numerous obstacles, including dangerous rapids, hostile natives, and corrupt European traders. As Marlow gets closer to Kurtz, he begins to witness the brutality and violence that have made Kurtz a feared and revered figure.

The climax of the story comes when Marlow finally meets Kurtz and discovers the truth about the man's descent into madness. The resolution of the story sees Marlow returning to Europe and reflecting on the darkness he has witnessed in the heart of man.

Overall, the plot of "Heart of Darkness" serves to highlight the themes of colonialism, the darkness of the human heart, and the hypocrisy of European civilization. The characters and their experiences bring these themes to life, creating a powerful and thought-provoking work of literature.

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