Una. The Night Market

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You walk through the vast halls of the emperors coven. There was an unusual chilling breeze. It always has an unnerving atmosphere at night.

You pace back and forth, questioning your next move. You eventually sigh and enter your room.

You take off your mask and look at yourself in your mirror. You trace your fingers over the y/f/c scales across your face.

You turn to your drawers and began rummaging through your drawers, eventually you find that one golden bottle.

You open it and drink the contents, the scales slowly disappearing from your skin.

You sigh in relief and put your mask back on, leaving your room once again and exiting the castle.

You walk through the woods with thick trees and walk into town. Bonesborough is an interesting place. Especially at night.

Rules are different at night. You eventually find the stand you are looking for.

"Well, well, well! What do we have here?"

"Fuck off Tibbles, you know what I am here for." You toss the small pig like demon a bag of snails.

"Mm, no can do sweetie. Prices have changed." He shrugs with a smirk.

You take a deep breath and slip out a pocket knife, your grip is very firm and position it under his neck. "Not for me. Hand them over." You demand.

He gulps and give you a bag of elixirs. You grin at him, "As Vivian always says 'Vaffanculo.'" and you walk off.

You eventually get back to the palace and get back to your room. The stars twinkled outside as constellations formed. You hide the elixirs before getting into bed and falling asleep.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 21, 2023 ⏰

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