Mood Swing Much?

374 8 2

Warnings: Swearing, Use of f-slur, Homophobia


'Hello Xixi and Yiyi!' Exclaimed He Tian swinging his arm around both of their shoulders.

'Huh? Xixi is my nickname for him you idiot! Get your own, and who said you can call me... Yiyi?' Retorted Jian Yi irritated by the raven haired boy's use of his best friend's nickname.

'Relax, it's just a joke,' answered He Tian lightly shoving Jian Yi's head away, 'anyways have you seen my Little Mo?'

'Your Little Mo? Sounds a bit possessive of you,' replied Zhan Zheng Xi bluntly, 'Also, no, we haven't seen him yet but he'll probably be around homeroom right now.'

'THANKS XIXI!' He tian shouted out while running off towards where he was told Mo was.

'STOP CALLING HIM XIXI' Jian Yi Shouted back.


Guan Shan was sitting down at his desk with his 'minions' (friends) sitting around him all chatting and laughing waiting for the bell to ring.

Two boys came up to them, one with messy brown hair and the other with multicoloured dyed ombre hair.

'Well, well, look who it is, the obnoxious red head and his group of servants.'

'You can't even defend yourself properly, is that why you surround yourself by others? Too pussy to fight like a man!'

Ugh, so that's why they're here Mo thought to himself. He was getting more and more pissed by the second, but the worst thing was that he can't even fight back right now. No, not because he is too afraid, but because this is his last warning, one more strike this week and its suspension and then detentions for the rest of the school year. And he can't have any of that, it'll worry his mother and if he keeps having detentions he'll have less time to help her out too.

'Are you not going to say anything? Turns out you actually are too pussy!'

The readhead sat there trying to ignore them as much as possible, for the sake of his mother. But as time passed it was getting harder and harder to control his anger.

'Get lost shitheads, Brother Mo doesn't have enough time to waste on you lot,' retaliated one of his friends.

"Aww, standing up for him? Your nothing but a inferior being to him, his servant, why do you even put up with his bullshit?' Asked the brunette.

'By the way, is it true? Your little group leader is gay, a fag!' Claimed the ombre hair boy.

'Wait no way, really?' The two boys looked at each other laughing.

'Disgusting, how can you even be around him!'

Just as Guan Shan's last thread of control snapped, he got up but froze in his tracks.

'What the fuck were you saying?'

All the boys looked at the taller black haired male standing behind the two homophobic idiots.

One of the assholes unfroze from his stupor and said, 'Oh! He Tian! We were just telling this fag how revolting he is and tha-'

The multicoloured haired boy's ranting was cut off by a punch to his face.

'Shut the fuck up. Who are you to talk to my Mo like that? Take this punch as a warning, don't come near any of us again, assholes.' Threatened He Tian. 

'You,' he said referring to the brunette, 'Get the hell out of here and take this one with you as well, unless you want me to to disfigure both your hideous faces even more than they already are.' 

He Tian glared at the two boys with thinly veiled anger and disgust in his eyes.

Scrambling up off the floor the two boys fled the classroom despite this being their own homeroom.

As if it was never there to begin with, every trace of irritation disappeared from He Tian's face as soon as he laid eyes on who he came here for.

'Hello my Momo!' He cheered, wrapping his arms around the angry redhead's waist.

'HUHH? YOU CHICKEN DICK GET THE FUCK OFF ME, ALSO WHAT WAS THAT FOR I COULD'VE SCARED THEM AWAY MYSELF!' Yelled Mo face slightly flushed red matching the colour of his hair.

Although he knows Mo couldn't have without getting in serious trouble, He Tian apologises overdramatically, 'Yes I know my Mo could've scared them off better than me but I got too angry, please forgive me Little Mo,' he begged while happily hugging the redhead not seeming too sorry about punching the others.


'Wow, back to normal that quickly,' muttered one of Mo's friends.

'Mood swing much?' Agreed another.

'Yeah their friendship is so cute!'

'Dude your dense as hell, friendship? You must be crazy!'

'I bet 100 yuan they already kissed.'


The end :)

Leave any prompts for me and I'll try to write them if I have any inspiration or ideas for it and if it's in my field and style/theme of writing! <3

Tianshan || Mood Swing Much?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang