i love you, something i really hope you know.

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I first saw you at auditions. You had your eye on me and when my turn to sing came up, you still gave me your undivided attention. When we got our callback paper you gave me a fistbumb and complimented my singing before you left. I didn't even know you.

You got casted into my cast for sound of music, playing one of the leads. I always had this thing for you, each rehearsal we had together I had my eye on you from across the room, when you were on stage I always paid attention, when you were done singing I always cheered the loudest. One vocal rehearsal i came up to you and asked for your name, pretending like I forgot. I didn't forget, I just wanted an excuse to talk to you.  You shook my hand and smiled at me, I will never forget that warm smile of yours.

I wanted to talk to you and always be by your side, I wanted to tell you how I felt but you didn't even know me.

February 7th 2023
Me and my friends had a discord server for our theatre company. We came up with a plan to invite you, my friend light texted you my discord account and you friended me that day, I don't think either of us knew how close we would grow.

Talking once a week turned into talking 3 times a week, I took every chance to talk to you. We talked about aot and rehearsal times. We talked about how excited we were for the show.

On the 12th of February. You asked me if I was okay cause you saw my status. that was the moment I knew I could talk to you, you still barely knew me and you listened to my vent and told me that I was nothing like that man.

Over time we talked more and got closer, you listened to me talk about mythology and history for hours. I loved you so much more then I already did.

You looked at me with such care, your warm smile always welcomed me and after the show when the cast was getting food together, before I left. You hugged me, that was our first hug.

I love you. I've wanted to say it for so long.  And only recently 30/04/2023 you said it back ever since then we said it frequently. During school house rock I was never in my own dressing room, you and Phebs had me stay in your guys. I hugged you from behind and I was constantly in your arms whenever you were offstage. When you had your solo me and half the cast would recreate the whole scene backstage and when you got off I would quickly rush over to the other side where you got off so I could hug you the minute you were offstage.   We have texted everyday for months and now I'm attached and hopelessly devoted to you. You have never hurt my feelings on purpose and you never have hurt me, physically or mentally.

You love it when I call you mi vida or nom nom, knowing I'm the only one allowed to call you that. You let me braid your hair and you keep those braids in until you see me next so I can redo them. You hate wearing makeup but when it comes to me you always let me do pretty glitter on you so we can match. When we were still at rehearsals and I was ashamed of my scars, you would draw butterfly's and stars around them then give me your jacket. One day I took your jacket home and I held onto it until it didn't smell like you anymore, then you gave me a new one that I'm wearing while writing this, you knew I was starving myself so you would bring me fruits, snacks and granola bars to eat with me in the bathroom Hall, we called those moments "picnics", you're a poet and share your poems with me.  You draw me when we're on FaceTime together and then I take screenshots of your face and horribly edit them to make you look like mega mind, when I was awarded the legacy robe you cheered so loud and immediately scooped me up in your arms and hugged me. You took me to go see cinderella with you and let me lay on your shoulder while holding you hand, you layed your head on top of mine and we just sat there enjoying the show. We get Boba together frequently and you come over almost every weekend to come and cuddle me. Even my family loves you. We say good night to each other every single night and we say good morning every morning without fail. We have so many memories together

I love you so much. I guess that's what I'm trying to say,

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2023 ⏰

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