Chapter 1

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All I remember is being pushed into the portal by Mabel. Mabel had saved herself. Everyone watched as she pushed me in. Yet they did nothing to help me. They just stood by and watched. What did I do to deserve this? Nothing. Absolutely Nothing.I gave everything to them, so why? Because I was only their tool.

Why did they betray me when I could've gotten both of us to safety? Mabel was right in front of me so she wouldn't be sucked into the portal.

While we were walking to safety, Mabel picked up a broken piece of glass. I didn't notice that she cut the rope until it was too late. "I hope you die in the Nightmare Realm, Dipshit," Mabel said as I was sucked into the portal.I was in shock, hurt, betrayed, and angry. Mostly angry. How could I be so blind to my family's true intentions to get rid of me? I need to find a way to get out of here and once I do they will be in a world of pain.

I need them to fear me as they fear Him. I want to become just like Him. I need Him to teach me his ways. I want to become his most loyal servant. I should've listened to his warnings. Should've let him destroy the journal. Hopefully, it wasn't too late.

This was unexpected. The Pines family wasn't supposed to push Pinetree into the portal. Sixer was supposed to walk out of that portal. That wasn't part of his plan. Pinetree's family was supposed to trade Pinetree in for their 'freedom' from Weirdmageddon. This is way more work for him but also easier at the same time. Now, that Pinetree's mind is full of rage, it will be easier to make the Cipher Wheel uncomplete.

Bill needs a new human servant anyways since the old one ran away. And what is even better Sixer doesn't know about Pinetree yet. He goes to collect Pinetree. Bill doesn't trust the other demons with a human since they might try to eat Pinetree.

I woke up in a cell-like room. I feel different than I did earlier. That might be because I am in a different realm. I pulled my phone out of my pocket. The screen was cracked from landing so hard on this dimension. I turned it on and went to the camera, My appearance has changed a lot. My eyes glowed yellow and one of my pupils was cat-like. My hair stayed mostly the same brown hair but with streaks of blonde in it.

How did this happen to me? Was it because I went through the portal? was it because Bill possessed me and now changed my appearance? Why did everyone hate me? And why was I stuck in the nightmare realm? Where was Bill? Did another demon find me? Was I about to get tortured?

Questions kept going through my head. I didn't notice that someone or something was in the room with me until I heard a snap behind me.I snapped my head towards the man behind me. He looked a lot like Stan. "What on earth are you doing in the Nightmare Realm, Kid?" The man asked. He kinda sounded like Stan too. 'Lie to him, Pinetree.' I heard Bill's voice in my head. "I have no idea. I don't remember anything that happened." I quickly lied. The man's eyes softened a bit. Why wasn't he questioning my glowing eyes? 'I changed your appearance to a normal human.' Bill spoke.

The man didn't seem to hear Bill. "What is your name, Kid?" The man asked. "I'm Dipper Pines, what is your name?" I asked. "Stanford Pines." The man responded. "You can't be Stanford. Stanford is my Grunkle." I spoke. 'Stanford' glared at the ground and muttered a few things that no 12-year-old should be hearing. "Does your grunkle live in a shack?" He asked. "Yeah, the Mystery Shack," I responded.

"That is a stupid name. Well, your grunkle stole my name and my house." Stanford said. "I'm sorry to hear that but how do we get out of here?" I asked as I got off the ground and put my phone away. "We can't. We have to wait until the portal opens again. That could be years," Stanford answered truthfully, "We need to move. Bill Cipher, a dream demon, could be looking for you." I heard Bill chuckle at the comment. "Yeah, I know who and what Bill is," I said."You do? How?" Stanford asked.

 "Gideon Gleeful summoned Bill to get into Stan's mind," I said, purposely leaving out where Bill possessed me. 'You are doing great, Pinetree.'

Bill stood over the passed-out Pinetree. Pinetree looked different. His once-all-brown hair had a few blonde streaks in it. He could only bet that Pinetree's eyes were glowing yellow. Bill could feel some of his magic in Pinetree. This was a new development too. He heard footsteps approaching. Bill quickly put a spell on Pinetree to make him look like a normal human and disappeared. Sixers came into the room. Sixers looked shocked to see another human in the nightmare realm. This is perfect because Sixers will take Pinetree with him and Pinetree could be Bill's eyes and ears to spy on Sixers. This would mean that Bill would have to train Pinetree to use his powers in secret. Hopefully, Sixers doesn't find out that Pinetree is turning into a dream demon. Bill will make sure that he won't find out at all.

 Though Bill will have to update his plans. Instead of using Pinetree, he will rule side Bill. Even if Pinetree doesn't know it yet.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2023 ⏰

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