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Meredith, Christina and Cassandra walk down the hallway.

" I misdiagnosed Harper Avery, In front of Harper Avery." Christina says panicking. Do you know what does to my chances of winning a Harper Avery?" Christina continues as they make their way down the hallway.

" He could die before then, He could die today even." Meredith says.

" I hope not" Cassandra says.

" Is it true that Harper Avery is here?" Lexie says walking over.

" Yeah" Cassandra answers.

" So Derek walked in on her naked this morning in Alex's bed." Meredith explains.

"Meredith! God!" Lexie says embarrassed.

" I'm just cheering her up, She's having a bad day. Be generous." Meredith says.

" You know what? You can't have feelings for Karev. He's like Mererdith three years ago." Christina says.

" I said that." Meredith says.

" I don't have feelings for Alex." Lexie says.

" Yes you do, Your heart is like in your vagina" Cassandra says.

" I said that too" Meredith says.

" You three are monsters" Lexie says before walking away.

" Heard you two meet Harper Avery" Derek says walking up to the trio.

" Yeah, We did. He called me pretty." Cassandra says.

" What ever pretty girl, Did you know that pretty boy's grandfather was god?" Christina says, looking at Derek.

" I didn't know. That's kind of cool, though." Derek says.

" No, It's not cool. He's an entitled brat with no skills except a really good bloodline." Christina says.

" Stop it. Jackson is a good surgeon. So stop being mean just because you embarrassed yourself." Cassandra says annoyed with Christina.

" She got a point" Meredith says.

" Whatever, The chief's baby sister and Ellis Grey's daughter." Christina says walking away.

" How do I look? Chiefly?" Derek asks his wife and little sister.

" What, are you nervous?" Meredith asks.

" He's one of the most powerful surgeons in this country." Derek says.

" You're looking good, So calm down. He's just a guy with an award named after him so calm down." Cassandra says with a smile.

" Whatever, The chief's baby sister and Ellis Grey's daughter." Derek says, starting to walk away.

" What? You are the chief, Derek!" Cassandra says hurrying after her older brother and his wife.

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Derek and Webber are talking to Harper Avery, Meanwhile Jackson, Cassandra and Meredith are waiting outside looking into the room through the window.

" Here we go, He's giving them the speech." Jackson says, turning around facing Meredith and Cassandra.

" What speech?" Meredith asks.

" About the wonders of medicine. About how as surgeons we're meant to push boundaries and do what no one has ever done." Jackson continues.

" Sounds motivating" Meredith says.

" It's cheesy, It's what it is." Jackson says bit annoyed. " You hear it enough times, at your grandparents' dinner table, you can't help but wanna be a surgeon when you grow up." Jackson says.

" Be happy you have grandparents, mine died before I was even born. So be thankful." Cassandra says.

" I didn't..." Jackson says.

" I need to go check on my patient." Cassandra says starting to walk away.

" Wait" Jackson says, hurrying after her.

As Cassandra gets into the elevator Jackson hurries in before the doors close behind him.

" Cas." Jackson says.

" You should have told me Harper Avery is your grandfather. It feels like that's something I should've known." Cassandra says.

" I know but I want you to like me because of me and not because of my name" Jackson says looking away a bit ashamed.

" Seriously, Is that what you think about me? That I would use you? I have names too, at least when it comes to this hospital. I'm the baby sister of the chief of surgery and the head of plastic." Cassandra says looking at Jackson feeling how tears starts to form in her eyes. " That actually hurts."

" Cas." Jackson says. " I'm sorry, I should have told you, I'm sorry." Jackson says, looking at her.

" You really think I would use you." Cassandra says

" Cas." Jackson says.

" You do." Cassandra says looking at Jackson. " Oh my god, You actually think I would use you." Cassandra says, not being able to really look at Jackson. " I can't do this right now." She says.

" Cas?" Jackson says, trying to get her to look at him again.

" I need space" Cassandra says as the elevator door opens and she hurries out.

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