TWO: Late night visits

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The screen then lights up again showing Kate sitting in her room at her desk typing away on her computer

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The screen then lights up again showing Kate sitting in her room at her desk typing away on her computer. Music playing lowly in the background.

A noise behind her makes her turn abruptly, eyeing an open window across the room. She stands slowly and moves towards it.

Kate notices Randy giving her a nasty look.

" What?" She asked her friend defensively.

"No one listens to me but they'll learn they will learn." Randy says lowly to himself shaking his head at the girl.

"Get help Randal, get help." Kate said looking the boy like he was insane with was debatable at the moment.

Kate sticks her head out the window. The late night wind hits her face as a shadow appears just to the left of her, a hand reaches out, grabs her making Kate scream jumping back.

"'s just me." Billy coos to the girl.

Kate looks up to see her boyfriend Billy Loomis he a small grin sporting his face making the Kate sigh in relief.

"Billy? What the..." Kate asked the boy.

" What did i tell you about keep your window open?" Billy lowly asked the girl with a look on his face that made the girl flustered.

" Not to but what are you doing here?" Kate shot back at the boy.

"You sleep in that?" Billy asked Kate smirking,Billy then pulls himself through the window.

"My dad's in the other room." Kate whispered to the boy.

"Never stopped us before." Billy said in Kates ear before tickling her side making her giggle.

"I'll only stay a sec." Billy whispered back casually walking around in her room.Kate's bedroom door then bursts open the doorknob catches on the open closet door behind it jamming it, holding it in place. This makes Kate jump attempting to push Billy back out the window but he just stands there smiling.

" Your enjoying that a little to much." Kate said giving Billy her meanest glare making him smile.

"I love watching you squirm baby." Billy said looking at her intently.

"He does this a lot doesn't he?" Tatum asked glancing at her best friend curiously.

" Probably more than he should." Kate replied nodding.

"What's going on in there?" Kate's dad asked peaking through the door.Kate then runs to the door unjamming it blocking her dad trying to come in.

"Are you okay?" He asked peering into his daughters room.

"Can you knock?" Kate asked her dad with defensive sass.

"I heard screaming." Mr. Prescott stated.

"No you didn't." Kate denied making her dad look at her in suspicion. Kate turns back to see Billy gone.

"No? Oh, well I'm hitting the sack. My flight leaves first thing in the morning.Now the expo runs all weekend so I won't be back til Sunday. There's cash on the table and I'll be staying at the Hilton out at the airport so call if you need me." He tells her.

"Got it." Kates says as her dad gives the bedroom a quick once over.

"I coulda swore I heard screaming." He says.

"Have a good trip." Kate says kissing her dads cheek her dad finally leaving.

"Close call." Billy says peaking a stuffed animal out on her bed.

" Billy What are you doing here? I told you can't come when he's home"Kate tells the boy looking back to her locked door.

" I know I know I just needed to see you, see I was home, bored, watching tv the exorcist was on and it got me thinking of you." Billy tells her walking around her room.

"Oh it did?" Kate asked her boyfriend confused.

"Yeah, it was edited for TV. All the good stuff was cut out and I started thinking about us about last night you know it started off kinda hot and heavy, a nice solid "R" rating on our way to an NC17. And i couldn't get you out of my head so i though I'd come by." Billy informed his girlfriend with a smirk making her blush as she recalled the events of last night.

" Oh my god thats why you were walking weird yesterday." Tatum said laughing making Kate sink into her seat red in the face.

"So you thought you could sneak in my window and we would round 3?" Kate asked with her eyebrows raised.

"Im pretty sure it would be round 5 but who's counting besides I wouldn't dream of breaking your underwear rule if that even still applies but I just thought we might do some on top of the clothes stuff." Billy tells tells Kate picking her up by her thighs and gently laying her down on the bed gently planting a kiss on her lips passionate and gentle, then moving his kissing ALL the way down before the screen then fades out into darkness.

" I knew you were letting him have piece but i didn't know you let him have the whole damn meal!" Tatum yells out after a moment of silence.

" So you were only going to let me have a piece?" Billy asked the flustered girl smirking making her bury her hands into her face even more out of embarrassment.

~Short chapter i know but how are you liking the new version so far? Thoughts?

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