Leading up to the wedding 

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Authors note, I decided to start a new book where I can go through each episode for only saw the light an ad in the parts that they should've added, and I did one already, I already posted it in my other book but I will put it in this book after I post this chapter but this one is the missing part of the whole wedding and leading up to the wedding and after the wedding, so I hope you like it.

General pov: a couple days ago Kelly got jumped by a few guys that found out he found their drugs and talk to the cops about it. After he got jumped, he went to med and him, and Stella decided to get married right away, instead of waiting four months., so they went straight into wedding planning since they wanted to get this wedding over with already. They just got done talking things over with pryma Stella had to get to work, so Kelly went and headed home to rest his body since he is still blues from the whole getting jumped a couple days ago, about 20 minutes after showing up to work, Brett came to the fire house so she can start working on Stella's wedding with her since she is the maid of honor, and then, after Stella went over a couple things with the whole fire house to get started on the planning seller decided to go ass, but in the most important question ever which was, can he walk her down the aisle which he, of course, said yes, and then about a couple hours later, Kelly shows up at the fire house

S= hey babe what are you doing here? I thought you were at home
K= well I was, but then I had to go to the courthouse to testify
S= oh yeah I forgot, so how did it go ( see the cop car?) wait why is there a cop car out there?
K= umm can we talk about this in my office it's something private
S= of course we can ( in his office)  so what is going on?
K= so I showed up on time but I got lost ones I found the right way to go. I started noticing someone was following me.
S= wait was that one of Campbell's guys that was following you?
K= oh yeah, and to make things worse the dude came up to me with a knife
S= are you freaking kidding me
K= I wish I was well. We ended up fighting over the knife
S= oh, my
K= well in the end, he fell out the window and died
S= oh wow
K= so that is the reason why I have a please car following me to make sure nobody comes after me again
S= OK that sounds good
K= I just figured I'd come here and then go home
S= good idea besides, I don't think he'll come after you when you're at the fire house

Kelly and Stella keep talking for a little while

CZ= ( see them hugging ) Hey Lieutenant sorry to interrupt you guys.
S= it's no big deal
K=  what's up Cruz
CZ= there is a special guest. You guys should come out here and see
S= who could it be?( they walk out )
K= I don't know
CZ= here is the special guest
MC= do you guys really think you can get married without me the best man
S= oh my casey you made it
K= thank God you are here
MC= are you kidding me? I wouldn't miss this wedding that has been long awaited wedding for nothing. I'm surprised it's even happening.
K= why do people keep saying that?
H= because you guys have commitment issues
S= no we don't
CZ= OK whatever you say, take your four years to get this far
S= that wasn't on me that was on him
K= hey, I propose finally
SB= oh yeah, but you did it in the middle of a fire
S= oh, come on it was so romantic and good story to tell her kids in the future one day
CB= good point, but still wasn't smart for you to get engaged in the middle of a fire
K= oh well I'm happy I did it. Can we move on

Everybody catches up with Casey for a few minutes, then detective  Pryma shows up at the fire house, so Stella, Kelly and chief Boden went to talk to him about what's been going on about a half an hour later

MC= so what did you get yourself into this time?
K= nothing much just stumbled upon some drugs in a food truck
MC= so no big deal
K=tight it's a normal Wednesday for me
MC= oh yeah, so are you sure you are ready to get married?
K= oh yeah, I'm beyond ready to marry Stella. That is one thing I am for sure about.
MC= well I'm happy for you
S= hey guys
K= ( sees her head) what's on your head babe
S= oh, God, I forgot to take this off it's a veil Brett Violet and Kylie threw me a little bachelorette party and herman's office
MC= that was nice of them
K= well I'm surprised Herman let you guys use his office for a while since it took a while for him to get an office finally
S= actually correction, he took it over without asking
MC= that is totally Herman
K= oh yeah
MC= so Stella how are you liking being in charge of truck 81
S= it's been great but sometimes I feel like I am the mother trying to keep all of them in line
MC= well welcome to being in charge you feel like a babysitter, more than a boss or a friend
K= oh yeah, agree with Casey on that one
MC= so since you guys are getting married super soon I do wonder Stella are you going to take Kelly's last name or not?
S= I think I will, but only for the legal sense but for the fire house, I'll keep kidd as my last name so it won't be confusing in the fire house with two Lieutenant Severide's 
MC= makes sense OK so have you guys picked a honeymoon spot yet or was it so short notice to get a place to go?
K= we had one picked, but with the timeline spit up, we decided I'm going to the cabin just for a honeymoon now so I can enjoy some peace and quiet that we needed after a while
S= besides a special place for us
K= oh yeah
MC= I'm so happy for you guys
S= why thanks
K= I'm just happy you made it in time man
MC= want to want to miss this wedding on my two best friends for the world

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