Chapter 1:Ice skating competion

Start from the beginning


"There you go, all better now. Not bad for acting as the healer huh?" Light shadow purred. Coolkittycat gived an annoyed look, "My tail was literally on fire and your proud of it." Coolkittycat hissed, "I can't believe it, my own best friend tried to kill me but I shouldn't be surprised, we're all going to die with those sneezes." "It was just a fiery sneeze." Light shadow meowed. "A deadly sneeze." Coolkittycat meowed, "Very deadly. Hot but deadly." "Alright well, I need a partner for that competition." Light shadow meowed, "Wanna be my partner?"

"Hahahahahahahahahaha." Coolkittycat laughed historically before she meowed "No." "What why?" Light shadow meowed. "One, we're half-blood littermates, it would be weird. Two, don't you realized that under ice, there's water, I can't swim. Three, I don't know how to ski on ice and four your probably slip and fell on your face multiple times, I seen you do it before and we had to rescue you because we couldn't get you off that ice and I did have a reason five but I forgot it because I was explaining a whole bunch of other reasons. Oh wait now I remember, my tail was on fire!" "One, I know but it doesn't matter, everyone else is terrible too, it didn't say that you have to choose your date or girlfriend or whatever, two I'm The Water Chosen, I can pull you out and the ice is strong enough to stand, three it's stating on ice, not skiing, two different things." Light shadow told her "Same thing!" Coolkittycat hissed. "No skiing is what you do on snow, stating is on ice. But I can teach you, actually I don't know how to do it either but I can used the water which is under ice to guide me." "Your gonna cheat?" Coolkittycat questioned. "Uhhhhh no, I didn't say that." Light shadow meowed. "Don't lie to me. I can smell your lies from a mile away." Coolkittycat sneered.

"Ummmmm, anyway four I fell ok, I fell and cannot get up and six-" "What happen to five?" Coolkittycat asked crossing her arms. "I-" Light shadow pulse for a moment, "Shut up Coolkittycat." Light shadow turn away crossing his arms, "At least I'm not Darkfeather, dancing with a plant and think plants can talk to us and feel pain." "Yes they can!" Darkfeather called in the background. "Shut up I wasn't talking to you!" Light shadow hissed pointing in that direction. "Well I'm going." Darkfeather approached him, "To that show, that competition and yes my partner a tree." "Living not dead things. No trees only cat partners." Light shadow meowed. "Ummm metaphorically speaking, trees aren't dead, their actually alive." Coolkittycat meowed, "They do die if you kill them. And I'm not being cruel by saying this but I love the feel of pain that plants have." Both Darkfeather and Light shadow gived her a look. "What? I'm just saying that plants are living too." Coolkittycat meowed, "It's not like I been in the garden to destroy plants because I fell like it."


Is currently in the garden last year destroying the plants, "Hahahahahahahahaha!!! Die! Die! Die!" Coolkittycat mechanically laugh as she destroy the and the entire garden.


"Anywayyyy," Darkfeather spoke changing the subject, "I don't sleep with a stuff fish like you and at least I'm not poor." "Excuse me miss, I don't sleep with any stuff animal and your a literal gold-digger who won't stop asking for money!" Light shadow hissed, "And also I caught you interacting with rich folks and try to put your charm on them, now move along now."

Darkfeather left in fustration. "Kittyyyy pleeeeeaaaaaaaaasssssssseeeeeeee!!! I neeeeddd a partner!!!" Light shadow begged. "Fine." Coolkittycat growled, "But if something happens, I will strangle you so badly that you can't even stand." "Awwwww your so sweet?" Light shadow purred, not even paying attention to the threat he just got, "And besides, to help you better, let the water underneath the ice to help you." Light shadow led the way as Coolkittycat growled "Ughhh I'm gonna regret this."

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