The Calm Before The Storm

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It was quiet outside the walls of King's Landing. The Targaryen forces and the Lannister army forces were in a standoff. Harry Strickland was mounted before the Golden Company. Grey Worm, Jon, and Davos led the Stark/Targaryen forces.

Grey Worm took a step forward, reacting to something no one else had sensed. A horse whined and the wind picked up, carrying the sound of great wings flapping. Everyone turned their heads to try and locate the rising sound.

Strickland seemed to hone in on the location, but he was too late. The gated wall behind the Golden Company exploded in an enormous fireball, destroying a huge section of the wall and consuming dozens of soldiers as the fire spewed forth in a rage. Strickland was knocked from his horse by the blast as the Golden Company scattered and his mount expired. Drogon flew over the destruction.

Grey Worm and the Unsullied charged, followed by the mounted Dothraki. Members of the Golden Company screamed and writhed in agony as they burned.

Stunned by the force of the blast, Strickland pulled himself up on his hands and knees. He saw the charging Dothraki army and panicked, finding his footing and fleeing towards the wall, limping and bloodied.

The Dothraki rode past as he looked nervously to either side. He fell, impaled by Grey Worm's spear. Grey Worm paused to retrieve his spear from Strickland's corpse with a grunt, before resuming the charge with the rest of the Unsullied.

Screaming wildly, the Dothroaki galloped through the broken wall into King's Landing. Continuing full speed, they ripped through the Lannister soldiers just inside the walls, speeding through the street. The Lannister soldiers fell like dominoes, no match for the ferocity of their charge. Behind the Dothraki, the Stark forces reached the wall, roaring as they entered the city. One Stark soldier kneeled by a severely burned member of the Golden Company who laid supine on the ground. The Stark soldier plunged his sword through the man's heart.

Above, Drogon flew along the wall and destroyed another part of the battlement. The few Lannister soldiers who survived the Dothraki rose to meet the Stark men in battle, but they are no match.

Drogon continued to destroy the unwieldy scorpions before they could even threaten the dragon. The Stark men continued to dispatch the Lannister soldiers, whose corpses began to speckle the streets. Scores of Lannister soldiers flee through an open yard, but Drogon caught up and destroyed them with a mighty exhalation of fire. They all died in a painful and brutal conflagration.


Jaime and The Hound were walking through the Red Keep, escorted by four non-mountain members of Cersei's Queensguard - one leading, one following and two on their flanks. Jaime looked around at the eerily deserted castle.

He turned to a Queensguard, "Where have all the people gone?"

The knight thoroughly ignored the Lannister almost as if he didnt hear the question. Jaime eyed him uneasily, unable to read the man's face beneath his big black helmet.

"Fled the castle most likely. Which makes them smarter than us." Sandor answered.

Jaime absorbed this grim observation and continued gazing around the empty corridors as they walked on.


Cersei listened to the sounds of destruction from inside the Red Keep - the rumbling explosions and the screeching roar of the distant dragon. A vast section of the outer wall burned as Drogon and Daenerys fly towards another part of the city.

Drogon unleashed his fire breath once again.


Tyrion walked through the battlefield, stunned by the carnage. In the distance, more Northern soldiers rushed towards the battle.



Drogon strafed another row of scorpions, demolishing the ramparts where they are mounted.


Grey Worm led Jon, Davos, and a force of Northern soldiers and Unsullied warriors through the charred and burning wasteland. Bodies were strewn everywhere. A Lannister soldier tried to set upon Grey Worm, but the Unsullied captain gored him clean through with his spear. Other Lannister soldiers made futile attacks that were quickly dispatched by Jon and his men. Before them, the streets were empty and clear.

Jon, Davos and Grey Worm reached a crowd of Stark soldiers who were at a standoff with perhaps one hundred Lannister soldiers.

"No, no, no!"

"Move, move!" Jon yelled.

The Stark men parted to let Jon and his companions through . Jon, Davos and Grey Worm stood in front of the Stark men facing the Lannister soldiers. The two sides took measure of one another, separated by the width of the street.

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