You're A Survivor

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The once bustling streets of King's Landing now laid in chaos. Panic-stricken citizens clutched their belongings, desperate to flee the impending battle. Buildings, smoulder and ashes were all scattered through the chaos as Arya and Sandor Clegane emerged from a side street.

Arya, dressed in weathered combat attire, surveyed the panicked crowd with determination etched on her face. The Hound, towered beside her, his scars a testament to the battles he's fought, scanned the area with a mix of wariness and disdain.

"We need to find a way to the Red Keep. Cersei is there. We have to stop her." The Stark voiced urgently.

"You think the Queen will be waiting for you, little girl? She won't be so easy to kill."

"I'm not here for Cersei alone. There's unfinished business for both of us."

They moved forward, their presence commanding attention amidst the chaos. Citizens glanced at them with a mix of fear, hope, and curiosity.

Suddenly, a Young Mother, clutching a baby in her arms, approached them, eyes pleading. "Please, help us! We don't know where to go!"

Arya's eyes softened momentarily, her sense of duty blending with compassion. "Find shelter in the nearest building. We'll hold the line and keep you safe."

The Young Mother nodded tearfully, seeking refuge with the crowd. Arya and The Hound forged ahead, pushing through the panicked masses, their goal in sight.

As they neared the Red Keep, they came across a group of looters, taking advantage of the chaos, their greed evident.

"You, there! Stop what you're doing!" The looters turned to face Arya and The Hound, their expressions a mix of surprise and defiance.

"What's a little girl gonna do, huh?" The leader asked.

Without warning, Arya expertly wielded Needle, her Valyrian steel sword, dispatching the looters one by one with calculated precision. The Hound, following close behind, used his brute strength to intimidate those who remained.

"Wait! We're sorry! We'll leave!" The group cried.

"You'll leave and you won't come back. Remember, we were here." Arya threatened.

The looters scrambled away, leaving Arya and The Hound standing victorious amidst the debris.

"We need to find a way inside."

"There's a secret passage I know. Come on."

They made their way to a hidden entrance near the Red Keep, evading the chaos in the streets. The entrance lead them into the dark underbelly of King's Landing.

As they ventured deeper into the passage, their resolve intensified. Arya glances at Sandor , a newfound respect shined in her eyes.

"Thank you, Sandor. For being here with me."

"Don't get all sentimental on me, girl. We've got a queen to deal with."

Arya smirked, a flicker of light in the darkness. Together, they marched onward, determined to confront their shared enemy and bring an end to the chaos that had consumed King's Landing.


Masses of city dwellers continued to move through courtyards, gates and walls to the protection of the Red Keep.

"That's it." One soldier spoke.

"Go on, move it." Ordered another one.

"Come on, move, move. Faster, faster. Come on, move it. Keep going."

The New Dawnजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें