Accidents with nice consequences

Start from the beginning

"Oh..." Was his only response.

After a span of awkward silence, Damien spoke up again. "They miss you you know..."

Marinette froze completely. "Don't... Damien please."

"Clark is more bitter than ever, Lois can barely leave her room, Konner hardly leaves Titan tower and Jon's been dissapearing almost daily -!"

"Shut up Damien!" She yelled, glaring at him, tears in her eyes. "You told me to leave! I'm happy here! Don't you dare try to make me feel guilty for leaving!"

"Angel that's not what I was doing... I just want you to know that they do care! You aren't invisible to them!" Damien replied.

"You're lying shut up! They've never given a damn before so why would they now that I'm actually gone?! Do not tell me about them!"

Damien sighed but before he could say anymore, a knock came at her hatch to the roof. Marinette panicked and stuffed her phone under her pillow, forgetting to actually hang up.

Chat Noir came in and saw her crying. "Princess? What's wrong?"

She rubbed her eyes. "Nothing... Nothing I'm fine..."


"I'm fine! What are you doing here anyway?"

"You promised me a croissant so I'm picking up my prize." He grinned

"Oh right I forgot about that. Fine... I'll be right back... Don't break anything!" Marinette went downstairs to pick get what he wanted.

Chat heard some muffled talking and followed the source of the sound, he picked up Marinette's phone, seeing Damien. "Oh! You must be Damien!"

"Cat... Nice meeting you, could you leave please so I can talk to Marinette?"  Damien said coldly.

Marinette re-entered and saw her phone in Chat's hands. She squeaked, "CHAT! HANG UP!"

Chat Noir smirked "oh? Ahhhh so this is the guy you have a crush on~."

Marinette turned bright red. "Chat Noir hang up that phone right now!"

"Why should I?"

Damien blinked and blushed a little, "M-marinette what did-"

"CHAT!" she leapt at him, having to chase him around the room before finally tackling him down taking her phone back, she got up and stuffed a croissant in his mouth, "OUT!"

Chat noir stuck his tongue out at her then leapt out.

"Troublemaker" she grumbled.

Damien cleared his throat, not looking at her directly, his cheeks were a light red. "So... Does this mean that I don't have competition?"

Marinette blushed and looked at him "W-what? Competition for what?"

"For... Your l-love?"

"Damien do you... Like me?"

"Well I quite rather love you actually..."

Marinette blinked in surprise and turned bright red. "G-go down to the batcave... I'll be a few seconds..."

"What? Marin-" he was cut off when Marinette hung up the phone.

She threw on some black clothes to blend in with the sky in Gotham and flew.


Damien was waiting in the batcave when Marinette burst through the waterfall and crashed him into a hug.

"I love you too."

Damien carefully put his arms around her, then leaned down and kissed her.

"Dames? B wants you-" Jason froze when he saw them.

"Todd." Damien greeted, quickly hiding Marinette under his cape.

"Were you just kissing a girl? Was that girl Marinette!?"

"I don't know what you're talking about, Todd. You must be seeing things." Damien responded quickly.


"Bye Todd." Damien grit out.

Jason grumbled and headed out. "Should sleep... I'll turn out like Tim"

Damien turner back to Marinette and hugged her tight. He felt his feet leave the ground and he realised Marinette was floating without realising. He flushed a little bit. "Marinette?"


"Angel... We're floating."

She blinked and looked down.

She shrieked and they both dropped with a thud.

Got a week off but after this week, I got two more weeks of exams.

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