Won't that gather some attention?
It'll be bad for you if the media found out

Nahhh we'll be fine
We have our disguises for going public
And I actually don't mind being seen with you👀

Ok then.....

Yayyyyy see you tomorrow then Y/N~

Yah that's not fair
You guys get to hangout with him while we don't
Help me Ningie

Y/N could hangout at our dorm after they finish shopping





That's a great idea Ningie!!!
Would you do it Y/N?🥺🥺

Is your manager even fine with a guy coming to your dorm?!?!

Should be fine~
Our manager trusts you

So will you come Y/N?

Fine fine
But give me your manager's phone number first
I'll ask him first

Ok I'll send it to you later

It's already late
You guys should go sleep now

My eyes are getting heavy already
Goodnight Y/N oppa😘

Goodnight Y/N-ie
See you tomorrow

Have a good rest Y/N
Can't wait to see you tomorrow☺️☺️

Goodnight Ningie
Goodnight Minjeongie
Goodnight Aeri noona
Where's Jimin noona btw?

She already fell asleep.....


After the long chat with the girls, I found myself being occupied by them tomorrow. I also made sure to text their manager about me going to the mall with them and going to their dorm after.

Good thing he was chill and fine about it and accepted it. He also said good luck to me which I find weird.

I layed down on my bed after changing into a more comfortable outfit and closed my eyes to head to sleep.

Suddenly my phone rang making me open my eyes immediately, it was Karina calling me.

I picked up the call confused, why did she call me so suddenly, i thought she was asleep.

"Jimin noona?" I spoke to the phone.

"Yahh" Karina said in an angry tone, did I do something wrong just now? Was it bad that I accepted their request on coming to their dorm? I had a lot of questions at the moment.

"W-what is it noona?" I nervously asked her.

It went silent for a minute.

"You didn't say goodnight to me" Karina voiced out. I could tell that she just woke up judging from her sleepy voice.

"Huhhh you called me just for that?!?!"

"Of course, you said goodnight to everyone but me. I'm sleepy now please say goodnight to me" Karina pleaded.

"What if I don't?" I tried to tease her.

"Then I won't go to sleep" She responded but her words getting more mumbled.

"Hmmmm what should I do?" I jokingly said, I expected her to beg for it to me.

It went quiet, i could hear soft snores through the phone. Apparently she already fell asleep trying to get a 'goodnight' from me.

I chuckled and said goodnight to her.

"Goodnight Jiminie, have a good rest. You're going to need those energy for tomorrow. Bye" I spoke to my phone knowing that no one was listening, then I ended the call.

Karina POV

I was trying my best to stay awake to hear a good night from Y/N but my eyes were failing me.

I couldn't even open my mouth to speak out a few words. Then Y/N wished me goodnight out of nowhere making me smile in my half asleep half awake state.

After hearing his words, I fell asleep peacefully immediately knowing that I have fulfilled my desire.

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