'like a butterfly, so beautiful yet so fragile...' jungkook lovingly stares at his queen now surrounded with a bunch of butterflies.

the brunette was very fond of the little creatures, all the people residing in the castle joking that the garden was his home more than castle itself as he would spend hours and hours in the place; tending to the flowers, checking up and admiring every tiny creature he could find within the garden grounds.

still, everyone very much understood why. the brunette couldn't go out the castle walls anymore because of his weakening health. the garden was his only escape from the dull, grey concrete and brick walls and the confinement of his room.

it was the only place he could freely roam around, just enough for everyone to keep an eye on him if anything were to happen.

"my king?"

jungkook was snapped out of his thoughts as the beauty was now infront of him, face so close that he could almost feel his breath against his own.

"let's head back..." the brunette says, hands already intertwining with the king's larger ones as he pulled him up with him.

the dark haired king didn't reply, lips in a thin line but obediently followed his lover who lead the way as they walked side by side. their hands intertwined.

jungkook had the whole garden renovated and expanded, making sure it was well maintained and taken care of knowing how much the brunette loved spending his time in the serene place.

due to the continued expansion of the garden, it takes a good amount of time before one could make his way back to the main castle grounds. the garden pretty much occupied at least a quarter of the whole castle land.

"ah, look jungkookie, the roses that we've planted are already blooming." the brunette exclaims, eyes beaming as he points at the bush of red roses that they had planted a few months back.

if it wasn't for the dark grey clouds, it would've indeed be a perfect day to take a stroll in the castle gardens.

the two lovers walked hand in hand, mostly the brunette in awe and occasionally going out of their way to see the variety of flowers that had bloomed.

the dark haired king would only fondly smile at the other as seeing the brunette's smile was the only thing he'd want to look at the moment.

he wanted to remember every inch, every detail of his face. from the way his eyes flutter with his long lashes to the way they would turn into small crescents when he laughs. how he would unconsciously lick his lips and how his mouth would form into a wide boxy smile whenever he's at his peak of happiness.

it wasn't until they could already see the main castle grounds that jungkook had reacted, his chest suddenly tightening, heart beat beating rapidly. his feet coming into a halt making the brunette stop in his tracks as well.


saying his name was enough to make his still puffy eyes go wide, chest heaving widely as he turned to look at the brunette beside him.

"it's okay, i'll be with you..." the brunette murmurs as he turned to the dark haired king, hand gently caressing the other's cheeks who took a sharp breath.

jungkook's eyes had started to brim with tears, hands now clasping tighter the brunette's delicate ones against his chest as he bit his lip.

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