You're A Survivor

Start from the beginning

"Keep moving."

The crowd chattered as they churned towards the gate. Among them, The Hound became frustrated at the slow pace. He grabbed Nora by the shoulder and brushed past her. Arya returned her shock with a stare as she followed Sandor through the gate.


"Stay with him."

"Hold on."

"Hold my hand."

Seizing the opportunity, Nora instructed her daughter Vicky to follow behind The Hound, "Get behind there."

"Close the gate! No more through!"

The Hound picked up the pace to make it through before the gate sealed shut. People rushed through, but the gate closed in front of Nora and Vicky.

"No!" The mum screamed.

"No! Mommy!"

Nora, Vicky, and the others pound desperately on the massive doors. "Vicky! Please!"

"No, please, sir!"

"Open the gate!"

"Close the gate!"

The massive crowd started to panic, rushing towards the closed gate.

"Open it!"

"Open the gate!"

"Get back!"

Nora pointed at Vicky to sneak through the crowd towards another way into the Keep, "Look, try that one! Go! Go!"

The crowd surged, crushing soldiers and citizens against the closed gate. The clamour rose and people became even more desperate. Far behind, the hooded Jaime saw that the gates were closed and jostled his way forward.

"The gates are locked now!"


"Get back!"

Trapped by the crowd and still far from the gate, Jaime ripped off his hood and waved his golden hand at the soldiers, hoping that they would recognize him.

"Open the gate! Soldier! Soldier!"

"Please open the gate!"

"Go back to your homes!"

"Stay back! It's closed!"

"Soldier!" Jaime cried out.

Jaime's cries were useless, lost in the din and chaos of the crowd.

"Move away! Stop!"

"Let us in!"

Jaime gave up in frustration and turned to fight through the crowd, moving away from the gate.

"We're not leaving!"

The crowd screamed and shouted, growing larger by the minute. Jaime managed to slip into any alleyway and run.


The air was thick with smoke and the sounds of battle as Arya and The Hound fought their way through the streets of King's Landing. They had come so far and the end was finally in sight. Cersei was close, so close, and Arya's heart raced with anticipation.

But as they neared the Red Keep, Sandor stopped her, "You can't go in there. It's a death trap." His eyes fixed on the fortress ahead.

"But I have to. I have to finish this." Arya cried out desperately.

The Hound shook his head, his expression grim. "You can't. Cersei's not worth it. You'll die trying to get to her and then what? She'll be gone and you'll be dead."

Arya glared at him, her fists clenched at her sides. She couldn't believe he was trying to stop her now, when they were so close. "I have to try. I can't let her get away with everything she's done."

The Hound stepped closer, his eyes meeting hers, "Listen to me, girl. You're not a killer. You're a survivor. And you're not going to survive this if you keep trying to take on the world by yourself. You have to trust me on this."

Arya hesitated, her eyes flickered back and forth between The Hound and the Red Keep. She knew he was right, but she couldn't bring herself to give up now.

He continued, "You have to let it go. There are other battles to fight, other people to protect. And you're not going to be able to do that if you're dead."

Arya took a deep breath, her heart raced with conflicted emotions. She didn't want to give up, but she couldn't deny that Sandor was right. "Okay. I trust you."

Sandor nodded, his eyes softening for a moment. "Good. Now I need to go find someone quickly so you stay here and try to not get yourself killed."

With that The Hound started to make his way through the crowd and as he does, he spotted a glint of a gold. Immediately he knew it was Jaime Lannister and so he made his way in that direction.

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