Ch. 1 The Dream and Reality

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"To the ones that keep fighting for a way home"

I ran as fast as I could, there was a burning heat all around me. The flames were licking at my skin, and I could see it slowly burning the small hairs from my arms. I screamed and kept running. I had to get out, I had to, but there was no escape. No escape from this terrible, terrible place. The flames were getting closer to me, and I could hear the wooden beams of the house slowly creaking from the pressure. Where was I? This place was seemingly familiar. Looking around the room I observed my surroundings. It was a clay house with wooden supporting beams and one of the few rooms I was in had a wooden table in one corner with some matching chairs. I guessed it was the living room as well as the kitchen. There was a large bowl and pitcher in the far right corner on a small counter.

I continued to run. I had to get out of here. I just had to. I kept repeating this in my mind. But, there was no way to escape, the fiery flames were everywhere, they were surrounding. My heart was racing rapidly, beyond normal speed. The flames were taking away my supply of air, there was no escaping this. I crouched down and hugged my knees. I was going to die here, in this very room, among the flames. Despite the scorching heat, I began weeping wildly. My whole body was aching and trembling from the fire.

"Please, don't cry." I looked up from my burnt hands; tears were still streaming down my face. Who had spoken? There was a small slender woman near me by the burning table. She had long blonde hair and fair skin with kind, caring blue eyes. She wasn't in pain, nor was she burning. The mysterious, but familiar woman was just staring down kindly at me. "Who... Who are you?" I squeaked through my gasping throat. I was confused. How had this strange woman gotten here and why was she not burning? "It's going to be alright, my Moyo. It's going to be alright." The woman was now next to me, clutching me in her arms. She was trying to calm me down.

I studied her as her arms were wrapped around me. Why had she called me 'my Moyo,' or my heart? Her hair was pulled back in a long braid, and, although we were in a burning house about to face our death, she was calm, determined even. This woman had a strength in her that I could not understand, but I felt comforted by her. Just as I was beginning to feel as though we would die here, in this very place, I heard a crashing sound coming from in-front of me. I looked away from the woman's face to see a large blonde man standing in the fiery doorway. His expression changed from determination to anguish when his green eyes found us. He ran towards us, knocking over fallen and burning wood and objects from the house to try to get towards us. Just when the man was near to us with his arms out, a large beam fell before him. Cinders and flames shot from it towards me and the woman. I screamed as loud as my throat could manage when the flames from the large wooden beam reached towards my outstretched arm that was towards the man.

I heard a masculine voice calling me, it was his voice. But, it was panicked. "You have to listen to me, please," he pleaded to me. "You can do this; just reach as far as you can again. I'll get you, I promise." Who was this man and why did I feel as if I knew him and this lady surrounding me? Why did they not just get out while they could? I remained silent and looked back to the woman clasping me away from the flames. She gave me a look as if to tell me that everything was going to be okay. And, strangely enough, I believed it. I looked back at the man who had his arms stretching through the little space the fallen beam had not covered. He looked so... so desperate to get me free. It was like he was willing to do anything for me, a girl who did not know who he was, nor this woman. I slowly got up from the woman's protective arms and stumbled towards him. I reached out my burned hand towards his and he grabbed me.

His muscled arms were around me, protecting me from the protruding fire as he carried me towards the door he had entered. "What about her?" I screamed, "YOU CANNOT FORGET HER! Please, please." Again, again and again I was pleading, but this man did not turn around. He kept running towards the door. "If I don't get you out first we'll all parish. You have to trust me. I'll come back to her, I promise." The man kicked aside another fallen and burning piece of wood in-front of the doorway.

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