When shark looks up, he immediately gets scared but goes in, but the monsters emerge back.

"Follow the scent. Lead me to Stine"

but then Slappy finds them since the Werewolf tracked their scent, in the funhouse, everyone keeps a eye out as Ellie writes the story, her what to write because the Story has to be Fully Complete in order to work.

"Stine's ingenious plan worked to perfection. The funhouse was terrifying. Not so much for Stine as it was for the others. But it offered refuge from the real terrors that lurked outside"

But the lights turned out and slappy appeared in the mirrors behind shark.

"You wish"

"AH!" Shark screams.

"He found us.Quickly, follow me"

"Papa, you left without saying goodbye.
Trying to hide from me? That's like hiding
from yourself. I was your best friend, and you turned your back on me, Locked me up, imprisoned me for years and years. And what's worst, you were going to replace me"

"You deserved it, you were going to kill my daughter"

The bad guys but wolf were puzzled and Ellie gasped, "you had a daughter, I didn't even know"

Then slappy chuckles hard, "oh this is such precious, you two been together all night and you haven't even realized it"

"What's he talking about" Ellie asked stein as she turned to him.

But that one guilty look on his face made her realized it.

"The key was right there next to me, I just needed a certain girl to release me, isn't that's right...princess" his reflection gets behind her.

"Ah!" She steps back and shark grabs her.

"Leave her alone" he stutter but the squeak in his voice betrayed him as slappy knew he was weak.

"And you call yourself a father when you can't even protect her, your not a father you'er a coward"

Shake formed as he knew slappy was right but then princess defended him.

"Leave him alone"

Slappy turns to princess, "last chance princess, join me, you said it yourself: We're going to be great friends slappy, I won't let anything happen to you" he mocked her voice.

"No way, you're bloody mental"

This makes slappy unhappy, "either you become my daughter or your family dies"

Then wolf gets in front of princess as he gets threatened.

"You want princess, it'll be over my cold dead body first dummy"

"Have it your way...wolfie"

"You're not real, Slappy.I created you.I can write you out"

"I've been saving this monster just for you.
Say hello to my gelatinous friend"


Slappy opens the book titled The Blob That Ate Everyone. Once the Blob came to life, it devoured the fun house

"It's The Blob That Ate Everyone.Don't let it touch you"

"Good plan" shark whined.

"Oh great idea to create a giant blob" snake hissed.

"Hey, it was a seller ok, besides what was I supposed to write about, a giant mutant chewing gum"

"We need to get to higher ground" princess says.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2023 ⏰

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