Lionel got in the shower. Allowing the droplets of cold water rain down his chiselled body, he heaved a deep sigh while rubbing his black full hair. Despite having and achieving all this wealth, for some reason he never got any sound sleep due to his work. There was hardly any time for any vacations as he was only willing to be at the very top. The zeal to be at the very top was still surging through him and wasn't ready to stop anytime soon. Still with everything he had, he couldn't say for sure he was what you'll call content with his life. He had decided not to think about the word Love anymore. To him, Monique was nothing more than his wife on paper. After discovering her secret, he absolutely wanted nothing to do with her as his better half. She had broken his trust by keeping him in the dark.

They had been living in separate rooms for more than two years with Lionel only having sex with her once eight months ago when he was in an intoxicated state which resulted in her pregnancy. He saw himself as a loner now and saw it wasn't necessary in being the husband that Monique needed. If not for her pregnancy, he would have probably divorced her two years ago.

He got out of the shower and his phone buzzed immediately. He picked up his phone while he ruffled his damp hair with his other hand. It was a call from his manager.

"Hello sir." Ramirez spoke.

"Speak up." Lionel repiled. "We have arranged and hired a new replacement for you as your personal secretary sir. " Ramirez announced over the phone. Lionel sighed in relief. After Sasha was fired, his work was a lot of pressure for him to handle alone although Ramirez did help in managing his schedules but it just wasn't enough as Ramirez also had his own role to play in Lionel's company.

"That's good news. I just hope this assistant is a competent one unlike the last one.." Lionel raised his brows as he spoke the last words. "Yes sir. She's good and her documents also prove her capabilities too." Ramirez repiled and Lionel hummed in reply. He hung up and stretched forth his hands in exhaustion before he grabbed the remote and turned on the AC before grabbing some food with his laptop now on his lap as he continued his work.

As usual, Lionel was up by 6am and did his morning routine that compromised of running on the treadmill along with a few pushups to keep his body in absolute shape before preparing his own coffee in the morning. Monique wasn't awake and needed bed rest for her pregnancy. He as usual had his breakfast prepared by Surbhi before leaving for the office. He had an ongoing project that was keeping him on his toes and had to leave so early but not before instructing Surbhi about Monique's health.

"You need to take proper care of yourself Mr Bluebird. Your mental health lies on the balance here." The doctor spoke with concern the moment he took his seat that was opposite Lionel's. "I've told you this before Mr Bluebird, you have to balance out your sleeping schedule. It's very important in order to keep you going." The doctor continued narrowing his eyes at him. Lionel leaned back on his seat after he had taken his medicines. His work had been stressing him out especially after Sasha was fired leaving him with no assistance mostly for a long time now. It was beginning to affect him.

Lionel sighed and shut his eyes to take a deep breath before he exhaled. This morning on his way to the office, he felt a sharp pain within his body which made him to be at his doctor's office right now. "Yeah doctor. Everything's gonna be fine now with my assistant already starting work today. The stress will lessen."

The doctor sighed. "Luckily your tests came out with nothing but a slight high blood pressure which isn't good for you at the age of 30, Mr Bluebird. I beg you, take it easy." His doctor implored making Lionel to nod his head with a faint smile. His mind was calmer as his new personal secretary was to begin work today. He was thankful that his stress was going to be lessened with her around to assist him. He hadn't taken much sleep in days and when he didn't get sleep, he mostly relied on sleeping pills to have a little bit of sleep. It was like his body had gotten used to him having lesser hours of sleep over the past few days which wasn't good for him.

He had a meeting that was held inside the huge restaurant of a five star hotel. The deal was with Mr Neil trying to advertise his company's best products and hoped Lionel could invest in his company. Mr Neil was a man of 50 years who had a company that dealed with the manufacturing of fragrance used in his products that consisted of perfume bottles and even lotion bottles as well. If Lionel's company was involved in his business, he knew his almost bankrupt company would quickly rise up from the ashes of the ground.

"And there's my offer Mr Bluebird," Mr Neil explained before he scratched his itchy throat that was poached. He then gulped down a glass of chilled water anxiously waiting for Lionel's response. Lionel simply nodded and replied. "I want to buy your company and that's my offer and response to you Mr Singh." His response caught Mr Neil by surprise. "Excuse me. You want to buy my company. I'll remind you that my company hasn't gone into the ground just yet." Mr Neil's tone of voice got louder before he stood up abruptly feeling completely insulted.

Lionel simply pulled out a smirk and sat comfortable in his seat and rested his broad back fully on the chair. Mr Neil was about to walk away fuming when Lionel's next words stopped him.

"Am your only hope Mr Singh. Think about it carefully. Your company's products aren't selling anymore and your name along with your company are already down the drain. But...if your company goes under my company's banner, then think about how your perfumes and skin care products will skyrocket and damage the competition as well." His words were the bitter truth that didn't sit well with Mr Neil. He had worked hard to establish his company for a long 33 years. "My offer only stands in about..." Lionel glanced at his wristwatch. "Fifteen seconds." He finished creating sweat beads to form on the man's forehead.

Having no choice he had to accept the deal. The contract was signed. Lionel still made him the head of his company but Mr Neil was now under him and with his team now getting involved in the business as well.

Mr Neil left fuming with Lionel pulling out a smirk of victory before he sipped a bit of his champagne. His ears caught a woman who was sternly scolding someone. He looked over to that direction and found two people most likely to be a couple. The woman was scolding the man of not taking his health very seriously. There was clear care and love in the woman's voice as she spoke to her husband. The man raised both his hands up in the air accepting defeat. Judging by the sweet dish in front of him and his wife's stern look, Lionel could tell maybe the man was diabetic. The sudden sight made Lionel to recall a set of green eyes and long wavy auburn hair. The one person who always made his health and well-being her first and utmost priority.

He sucked in a huge amount of air down his lungs before his face hardened at the thought. He hadn't thought of her not even once all these years until now. He made himself clear how he must to forget the past as the past only stays in the past and can't be part of the present or future.

This chapter might sound confusing right now but everything will be made clear soon. Don't forget to like and comment. And I mean comment in line comments....

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