Chapter 1: An interesting commander

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After Gray Raven returned from a mission the squads medic Liv immediately turned to to her Commandant blocking her way. Commandant Sora was caught by surprise, which wasn't the first time that happened. In the last few missions Sora would continuously zone out.

Liv:" Commandant are you really okay? You Zoned out 3 times on the last mission alone."

Sora:" Your just overthinking it. The last Body and Mind scan I did were normal, no need to worry. I probably just need some rest."

Sora said confidently while patting Livs head. Liv reacted by turning a bit red, but was still worried for her commandant.

Liv:" You are always like that.....fine, I won't disturb your rest then, but if you feel any discomfort tomorrow, I will apply for the next mission to be postponed."

Sora:" Thank you my sweet angel."

Sora said with a warm smile. Liv then reluctantly left her commandants room. Soon after Liv left Soras head started to hurt again, because her mind beacon was overloading again.

???:" 1.2.3 confirming connection status."

Sora:" Who are you?"

???:" Looks good this time around. Long time no see Human."

Sora:" It is you! What are you doing?"

Alpha:" I don't need to answer that. I achieved what I wanted to, till next time."

Sora:" Wait!"

Alpha Affection level 1/Stranger

Alpha then cuts the connection. While Sora was confused what Alpha was trying to achieve, at least she knew now what was causing her headache. Afterwards Sora slept peacefully. The next day Gray Raven was preparing for another mission, before Alpha connected to Sora again.

Alpha:" ..."

Sora(thought):" Good morning to you too."

Alpha:" ...."

Sora(thought):" Are you Ascendants plotting something again?"

Alpha:" No."

Sora(thought):" Do you need something from me then?"

Alpha:" I will often link to you like this in the future."

Sora(thought):" Because...?"

Alpha:" Who knows."

Sora(thought):" ...."

Alpha:" Well then. I will see you later."

Alpha then cuts the connection.

Sora(thought):" What does she want from me?"


Liv said out loud to get Soras attention, who clearly wasn't listening to Lucias mission briefing.

Liv:" Are you really okay Commandant? Maybe we should postpone the mission after all."

Liv said worried as she placed a hand on Soras forehead to check if she had a fever. Sora knew that all 3 Gray Ravens were worried now, but Sora wasn't sure if it was a good idea to tell anyone that she gained a mind connection with the enemy, at least till she knows what she is after . So Sora played it off instead.

Sora:" I am just a bit sleepy, that is all. After I start moving I should get fully awake."

Lee:" That sounds like an excuse to me."

Sora:" Don't say that."

Lucia:" Are you really okay commandant?"

Sora:" I couldn't be better I promise."

Lucia Alphas way back to Gray RavenWhere stories live. Discover now