"How do we get out?" Amy questions the alien.

The Doctor takes out his screwdriver and uses it. "How big is this beastie? It's gorgeous! Blimey! if this is just the mouth, I'd love to see the stomach." He hears grunting. "Though not right now." He utters.

"Doctor, how do we get out?" Sam questions as she looks around.

"OK, it's being fed through surgically implanted feeder tubes, so the normal entrance is..." The alien trails off as he sees the sharp teeth of a closed mouth. "closed for business." He finishes.

"We can try, though." Amy says as she heads forward.

"No! Stop, don't move!" The Doctor says as the mouth begins to heave in agitation. "Too late. It's started." He adds.

"What has?" Sam raises her brows.

"Swallow reflex." The Doctor responds.

They slip and fall back into the refuse. The Doctor uses the screwdriver on the mouth walls. "What are you doing? Amy asks.

"I'm vibrating the chemo-receptors." The Doctor informs them.

"Chemo-what?" Sam questions as she and Amy keep falling over.

"The eject button." The Doctor says.

"How does a mouth have an eject button?" Amy questions.

"Think about it!" The Doctor says.

"Oh." Sam grimaces.

"Yeah." The Doctor mutters. "Sorry." He adds.

They hear the creature growl, and, on their knees, look to see a wave of bile coming towards them.

"Right, then." The Doctor says as he straightens his bowtie. "This isn't going to be big on dignity. Geronimo!" The Doctor says.

Both of the women scream as the bile gets closer and closer to them. As soon as her eyes open up she find that they're out of the mouth and back in the ship again.

"There's nothing broken, there's no sign of concussion and yes, you are covered in sick." The Doctor informs them as he examines the door.

"Where are we?" Amy questions as she sits up.

"Overspill pipe, at a guess." The Doctor states.

"Oh, God, it stinks." Amy complains as she stands up.

"That's not the pipe." The Doctor informs them.

"Oh." Amy sniffles as she smells herself.

"Whoo! Can we get out?" Sam says after smelling herself.

"One door, one door switch, one condition." He states as he moves to show the button on the door. "We forget everything we saw. Look familiar? That's the carrot." He states as the lights come on to reveal two Smilers. "Ooh, here's the stick. There's a creature living in the heart of this ship. What's it doing there? No, that's not going to work on me, so come on. Big old beast below decks, and everyone who protests gets shoved down its throat. That how it works? Oh, stop it. I'm not leaving and I'm not forgetting and what are you fellows going to do about it? Stick out your tongues?" He rants.

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