"Who was your lady friend?" Sam hears the voice of Patrick Moore say.

"Patrick, behave!" The Doctor chimes in.

"What does this virus do?" An expert asks.

"It's a reset command, that's all. It resets counters, it gets in the wifi and resets every counter it can find. Clocks, calendars, anything with a chip will default at zero at exactly the same time. But, yeah, I could be lying, why should you trust me? I'll let my best man explain." He pauses. "Jeff, you're my best man." The Doctor whispers.

"Your what?" Jeff exclaims.

Sam watches as the Doctor closes the laptop partway. "Listen to me. In ten minutes, you're going to be a legend. In ten minutes, everyone on that screen is going to be offering you any job you want. But first, you have to be magnificent. You have to make them trust you and get them working. This is it, Jeff. Right here, right now. This is when you fly. Today's the day you save the world." The Doctor rants.

"Why me?" Jeff wonders.

"It's your bedroom. Now go, go, go." The Doctor says throwing Sam out of the room and leaves.

The Doctor quickly re-enters the room. "Oh, and delete your internet history." The Doctor says as he leaves again.

The Doctor runs out of Jeff's house, Sam stands beside him. She watches as he looks around then runs off. She groans as she notices what he's looking at.

"Are you serious?" She questions him as they reach where he was going. "Are we about to nick off with a fire engine?" She whines.

"Yes I am." The Doctor responds. "Now get in." He orders.

Sam grumbles but gets inside the fire engine. The alien watche Sam closely before starting up the engine. "What happened with you during the 12 years?" He asks as they speed towards the hospital.

"Not much." She responds as she fiddles with her hands.

"Why did you say you went through 10 psychiatrists?" He questions.

"One it's none of your business." Sam snaps. "Many of the reasons are personal which is nothing to do with you." She tells him.

Before the Doctor could response Rory's phone starts ringing. "Could you answer it for me?" He asks her.

Answering it, Sam puts the phone up to the Doctor's ear. "Look in the mirror." He says into the phone. "Don't worry. I've commandeered a vehicle." He turns on fire engine siren as he drives.

Sam puts the phone down but keeps ahold of it and watches the scenery. Seeing Amy's name on the phone again, she puts the phone up to the Doctor's ear.

"Are you in?" He questions her.

"Yep." Amy answers. "But so's Prisoner Zero." She adds.

"You need to get out of there." The Doctor orders. "Amy? Amy, what's happening? Amy, talk to me!" He bellows into the phone.

"What's happening?" Sam asks.

"I don't know." He answers.

"We're in the coma ward. But it's here, it's getting in." Amy responds.

"Which window are you?" The Doctor asks.

"What, sorry?" Amy questions.

"Which window?" The Doctor repeats.

"First floor on the left, fourth from the end." She answers.

"Hold on." The Doctor instructs.

Sam holds onto the seat as the Doctor drives up to the hospital. She lets out a squeal as hears glass shattering. Getting out of the truck, the Doctor helps Sam up to where the ladder is.

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