Flirting 101 (pt.15)

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Credits to m0therfuck3r_


Jiro: "you are sooo naked in my head right now"

Momo: "i-"


Momo: has scratch marks all over her back

Mina: "looks like momo did well" she said gently elbowing Jiro

Jiro: just full on punches Mina in the face


Jiro: "I don't have my library card but can I check you out"

Momo: "be at my house in 10"

Jiro: "oh damn 0//-//0"


Momo: "are you a cow girl because I can see you riding me"

Jiro: too flustered to talk

Mina: "now that was good"

Denki: "can I steal that"


Jiro: "kiss me if I'm wrong but dinosaurs still exist right?"

Momo: "smart but also dumb"

Jiro: "I want my kiss"


Momo: "you know what you really look beautiful in, my arms~"

Jiro: "don't I look beautiful anyway?"

Momo: "yes yes you do but that's not what I meant!"

Jiro: "yeah I know"


Jiro: "did you sit in a pile of sugar because you have a pretty sweet ass"

Momo: "no but there is something I would like to sit on"

Jiro: "what?"

Momo: "your face"

Jiro: "kbjdyvhthovsasv"


Jiro: "let's play carpenter"

Jiro: "first I get a hammer"

Jiro: "then I'll nail you"

Momo: "sounds fun when can I come round"


Jiro: "it would be my pleasure to turn on your hot spot"

Momo: "you already did"

Tokoyami: trying not to cry "please stop it both of you"


Momo: "if you were a phone I would be the charger because I go inside you"

Jiro: 0///0


Jiro: "I would offer you a cigarette but you're already smoking hot"

Momo: "Jiro I don't smoke?"

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