" Lumos "

Sirius who could now see me whined, rubbing his face on my arms. I turned and scratched him behind the ears.

" You really do act like a dog, Sirius " I whispered

The once playful dog was now again growling until I pulled out the map. Sirius stiffened and tried to run away from the shack when I wandlessly locked the door.

I'm really glad, I practiced wandless magic.

" Sirius " I called but he wasn't listening, he was just trying to find ways to escape.

" PADFOOT! " I yelled and he turned to me. Well, should have called him Padfoot from the first.

The sounds of bones crunching was heard and there stood, Sirius Black instead of the black shabby dog.

Well it wasn't like Sirius wasn't shabby. His clothes were worn out. His teeth, well it would be better to not look there and his long hairs were matted to his scalp.

Before I could stop myself, I spoke " You need a well deserved bath "

Sirius laughed and looked at me with mischievous eye.

" Are you not scared of the man who murdered your parents" He grinned

Is he testing me?

I looked at him with a very unimpressed expression " You and I both know that's not true "

Sirius looked at me with an expression I couldn't really read " you were so young, I am so sorry. I shouldn't have followed Pettigrew, I promised James I'd look after you both. But, I-i " He broke down crying.

Because my Occlumency shields were broken by the Dementors, his emotions hit me like a brick. And, I broke down too

" Yes you should have, but you didn't. Atleast, you can now " I cried going in for a hug.

Sirius patted my head until I calmed down and then he suddenly looked angry.

" Lia, it is three in the morning! I am very happy that you are following the legacy of the marauders. But, this is dangerous and reckless "

" Ah, I'm sorry. Next time, I'll come with someone " I replied grinning, which he returned

" That's more like it "

" Let's get you inside the castle " I said making my way towards the passage.

Entering the corridor, we trailed down by the painting making your way to give seventh floor. Opposite to the tapestry depicting the attempt of Barnabas the Barmy to teach trolls ballet.

I walked past it three times thinking about what I needed, and the door finally appeared.

Sirius was staring at me with his jaw dropped down.

" How-"

" This is the room of requirements. It comes as per a person's needs and then disappears " I explained

Sirius looked like a kid on the Christmas " we never found this room, How did you ? "

" I really wanted to pee when this door appeared " I lied smoothly opening the door.

The room has changed itself to look like a bedroom with a bathroom. I pushed Sirius inside the bathroom and asked him to shave and cut his hair.

He looked like he wanted to protest until I threatened him that I'd shave all his hairs if he didn't cut it.

I didn't know if the room could provide clothes, but there's no harm in trying right?

I imagined a pair of clothes. Opening my eyes, I saw a pair of black trousers and a AC/DC sweatshirt. Huh? Hope he likes it.



I looked around the kitchen and found a pot of stew with some pieces of bread.

It wasn't much but Sirius must have been starving for a long time, eating a lot could upset his stomach.

Walking inside the room, I nearly dropped the food.

There stood Sirius, all clean and hot. If I had not been his goddaughter, i would have definitely shagged him.

" Damn, Sirius. You look different"

" I feel so clean, this is mostly like my first comfortable bath in twelve years" he grinned at me.

I placed the food on the table and watched as he ate it all.

" Want some chocolate? " I offered.

He gladly took it and then stared at me.
" Shouldn't you been in bed? it's already five. You'll have a hard time sneaking into the common room later "

" Nah, it's fine. Us Slytherins don't question a lot "

" You're Slytherin? " He looked shocked

" Not all Slytherins are bad. Andromeda Black is one too you know" I huffed

" I know, I just didn't think Prongs's any kid would be Slytherin. And, you behave more like a Gryffindor. Sneaking out in the middle of the night" he shrugged and then pushed me out of the room

" You still need to sleep "

I gasped in mock offense. No Gryffindor would plan as much as me to sneak him inside the castle.

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