Chapter 5: Arguments are Not Fun

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(And here we are! I know this story is cheesy, but it was a lot of fun. The title is especially cheesy. Either way! We have 3 more chapters of this and then we are done with this book! I think I have an idea of what the next book should be! For now, enjoy!)

               "Where are they?!" Mr. Match exclaimed as Maddy shook her head while holding her PET.

"How should I know?! We don't have the World 3 satellites anymore! I can't track anyone nor anything anymore!" she snapped, "Wacko Man, do you see them?!"

Mr. Match raised a brow before pondering on her words. Her Navi was in the NET and searching for the Net Saviors. Wacko Man was searching through the NET for anything about the two Net Saviors, but so far, they couldn't find anything.

"Where could they be?" Wacko Man wondered aloud before bouncing into another area of the NET.

He jumped on the ball and bounced happily upward to observe their area. He looked around and sighed before falling back to his ball and holding a gloomy expression. Maddy sighed with a shake of her head as Mr. Match hummed in a worried manner before parking the vehicle at the station. They didn't see any people at the station, much to their confusion.

"Where is everyone?" Maddy wondered aloud as Mr. Match parked the vehicle and then walked out to search for anyone.

He held his PET with Torch Man returning to it. He looked around and shook his head before looking at the train's map. They found a Jack-In port for it and sent Torch Man in. Torch Man pulled up a schedule and presented it before his Operator.

"Interesting" Mr. Match said before shouting, "Looks like the train comes every two days. Right now, it is a day between it, so no one is here because of this schedule. I think it is safe to assume that these two used the train!"

"But then how are they going to get back?" Maddy asked confused.

Sure, Raika has military training, but how did he convince Dingo to walk back to the station? How did he mange that? Wacko Man jumped into the NET and gasped in delight.

"They were here!" Wacko Man shouted in delight, "They did arrive at the station before leaving on foot into the forest!"

Maddy and Mr. Match were glancing at each other, surprised about this.

"Do you think you can track them through the forest? I don't think the NET is too close" Maddy pointed out unsure.

Mr. Match shook his head before he returned to the vehicle before driving it into the train tracks. He drove as fast as he could with Maddy holding on for dear life as she took his PET.

"WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?!" she exclaimed as she made sure their Navis were in the NET of the vehicle.

"Those kids are deep in the forest and have a day time's ahead of us" Mr. Match explained, "We need to find them and make sure no one else is after them. After all, they could get lost in that forest"

Maddy groaned as she made sure to hold on. Though, Mr. Match wasn't wrong. Besides them, Shuuichi went to the station and had Killer Man search the cameras. He growled at the camera footage showing Raika and a dog jumping on top of a train's roof before it departed into the countryside.

"Sure, it would be boring if this was easy" Shuuichi commented with an annoyed expression before returning Killer Man to his PET, "You know, I am going about this differently. I need to make this easier and fun"

"In what way?" Killer Man asked curiously in a delightful manner.

"Call off the grunts" Shuuichi said with a smirk, "I know what we should do next. Go to the source of it all"

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