Andrea smiled and watched the two. She stood up and walked over to give Elizabeth a brief hug. "I didn't know you were making it over here for the show?" Andrea said slightly surprised. Elizabeth softly laughed, "Well Taylor invited me and I haven't had the chance to see her perform and she kinda annoyed me about it so I said why not." She half-joked. "You still showed." Taylor laughed. "What kind of friend would I be if I didn't?" Elizabeth asked. Taylor faintly smiled.

Andrea's eyes shifted between the two as they fell silent. "I'll leave you to catch up and I'll meet you at the VIP tent." Andrea smiled and dismissed herself before leaving the room.

"I almost forgot." Taylor said reaching to grab the pass she was saving for Elizabeth. "What is that?" Elizabeth asked. "It's a pass so you can have access," Taylor said slipping it onto Elizabeth. Her hands remained on the lanyard. They stared at one another in silence. Taylor fought the urge to pull her in and kiss her. She had the opportunity to do it but she just didn't have the courage to.

"So I'll see you out on stage?" Elizabeth asked in a soft yet nervous tone. Taylor let go of the lanyard and nodded, "Yeah, I'll see you out there." She replied and watched Elizabeth leave.

Elizabeth was able to enjoy the show, everyone was clueless on who she was and didn't think much of it. Taylor's eyes would easily find their way to wherever Elizabeth was in the room. She couldn't hide the smile on her face whenever she was performing. She finally had Elizabeth around again and everything felt right.

"That show was insane!" Elizabeth laughed. Taylor and Elizabeth sat around in her living room drinking wine and talking about the night. "Insane bad? Or insane good?" Taylor asked.

"Insane like...I'm impressed. Seeing photos is one thing, but being there to see it all is crazy." Elizabeth replied. "Well I'm glad you finally got to see me do a show." Taylor laughed and sipped her wine.

"Who knew my curly little tater tot would actually make it this big." Elizabeth teased.

Taylor playfully rolled her eyes,"Not the nickname again."

"Why do you hate it so much?" Elizabeth laughed.

Taylor's cheeks flushed red, "I didn't say I hated it..." she mumbled against her glass of wine.

"Then what's the problem?" Elizabeth questioned.

"I don't have a problem." Taylor defensively replied.

"Oh really?" Elizabeth smirked.

Taylor grew nervous as the two stared at one another in silence. Taylor's eyes shifted from Elizabeth's eyes to her lips. It's been years since she last kissed her. It's been years since she last felt that spark from her first kiss with her. No one after her ever made her feel that again.

Their faces slowly inched closer. The two both eager yet hesitant to act. The air between them seemed to grow thinner. Taylor's hand cautiously and barely grazed Elizabeth's thigh.


Elizabeth's phone sounded interrupting their moment and snapping them out of acting further.

NO WAY. -Alex

Elizabeth stared down at the message confused. Taylor silently watched and noticed her confusion. "What is it?" She asked. "It's my...boyfriend." Elizabeth sighed and typed in a message.

What happened?

Taylor stared at her in shock. She had a boyfriend? And she never mentioned it until now?!



There's a photo of you at the concert with her mom or something that Damien sent me asking if it was you or someone who looked like you. - Alex

Elizabeth stared down at the phone not knowing what to respond. Well now he knew who her friend was.

Babe??? -Alex

Why does it matter?

I'm just surprised you didn't tell me, it all makes sense now. -Alex

What does?

Why you were so secretive. I get it. - Alex

"I didn't...know you had a boyfriend. Why didn't you tell me?" Taylor asked trying to sound supportive and surprised while masking her disappointment. "It never got brought up so I never mentioned it." Elizabeth replied. Taylor faintly smiled, "I'm happy for you...what's he like?"

Elizabeth faintly smiled, "He's nice. We met at work, we started off friends, and he asked me out one day. We hit it off and everything has been going pretty strong." She nodded.

"So how long have you guys been together?" Taylor asked. "About 4 years now." Elizabeth replied. "Oh...that's nice." Taylor forced a smile. She felt her heart breaking at the news. Elizabeth didn't owe her anything, it's been 20 years, she had the right to move on after what happened.

But it was hard when Taylor was never able to move on after her. It hurt to think that for Betty it wasn't the same.

But Betty missed her too, she just didn't understand why it hurt so much to lose her.

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