Delivery boy had obliged to my mother's offer, stepping over the welcome mat and on to the dark maroon carpet of the living room. I took my first once over of him, and to say I was unimpressed would be a lie. He had strong arms by the looks of it, and was very tall, six feet at the least. Much taller than me as I was just over five and half feet tall. His black hair was pushed back from his forehead by him running his hands through the sweaty strands, I guessed, and his sharp facial features intrigued me. He adjusted the box in his arms, and looked around the aforementioned 'Howell Home'.

When his eyes landed on me, I didn't know what to do. Do I say hi? Go back to my room? Run away through the open front door? I sighed and looked away from his bright blue eyes, instead turning to the blank walls of the house. I can sense him looking at me up and down, judging me, trying to figure me out. I can't help it. I shift my eyes back to his.

"Who're you?"

"Phil. Who're you?" He replies gently.

"I'm Dan," I say, mumbling. It's a bad habit of mine, mumbling. I looked down at my legs, shifting them and watching the skirt I was wearing sway ever so slowly. What I wore was the loveliest part of me, and I tried my best to concentrate on it, and not my shaking bruises and aching heart and bloodshot eyes.

"You ought to change your name to Beautiful," he says, looking me in the eyes. I blush and smile, looking at the floor as to hide my face. I was always weak for compliments, they just get to me. I felt flattered, and a compliment such as what he had given meant so much more considering I had had it beaten into me the very night before that I was an abomination for how I dressed and looked. This guy made me nervous. I wasn't sure whether I was okay with that or not.

"Are you always dressed like that, or were you just waiting for me?"

"Why would I be dressed like this for somebody I don't know?"

"I dunno, maybe someone besides you told you to, like fate? Do you believe in fate, Dan?"

"Maybe...," I subconsciously nodded my head, wondering where this conversation was even heading towards. He shifted the boxes in his arms again, leaning against the door frame of the still opened front door.

"You don't look too happy, love. Wanna go for a ride, talk about it?"

I let out another wide smile, my dimples popping out and a small laugh leaving my lips. He drops the box of whatever my father ordered to the floor without a care. A note was quickly scribbled on the top of the cardboard box of belts.

went for a ride with the delivery boy, back before dawn. ~dan

Phil smiles wide and grabs my hand, leading me out the door.

I'd never been more grateful to a stranger than I was to delivery boy.


ayyy dan & phil's convo in this is excerpted from the film Natural Born Killers aND YOU SHOULD REALLY WATCH IT BC IT'S BRILLIANT AND KINDA FUCKED UP AND MICKEY AND MALLORY ARE MY ONLY CANON OTP BYE

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2015 ⏰

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