Declan's lips curled in a self-deprecating smile, "He told me to quit focusing so much on the future, or I'll miss what makes right now worth living, then more or less said I needed to tell you why I was acting a fool."

She rested her cheek on his shoulder and wrapped her arm around his waist as she murmured, "He's a wise man, that brother of yours."

Declan chuckled and slowly rubbed his hand across her low back and hip. "I taught him everything he knows."

Wren poked him in the stomach, "Includin' all the finer virtues you have in abundance, like humility and kindness?"

"Of course."

Tilting her head back, she caressed his beloved face and traced the subtle arches of his black eyebrows, drinking in the sight of him as she quietly asked, "So you're through keepin' your hands off me?"

"Yup," he whispered, love, yearning, and desire flaring brightly in the depths of his blue eyes as they stared into hers.


"Cross my heart, pretty bird," he nodded, "I was a fool to do it in the first place... makes my stomach hurt to think of all our time together I've wasted and missed because of it. You're gonna have to beat me away with a stick now."

"Why would I go and do a silly thing like that?" Wren grinned, threading her fingers through his hair and cupping the back of his head. She sighed when he kissed her forehead and nose and was barely able to finish her thought when the corner of his mouth touched the corner of hers. "When havin' your hands all over me is my second favorite thing?"

He pulled away enough to look at her, his eyes and grin roguish when he whispered, "What's your first favorite?"

"Come a little closer, my love," she breathed against his lips, a world of unspoken promises harbored in those six words, "and I'll show you."

Glorious, bright sunshine spilled through the open window, declaring the beginning of a new morning and reminding Declan he'd forgotten to close the curtains after relieving himself last night.

He groaned against the intrusive glare, pulled the covers higher to shield him and Wren against the chill in the air, and hugged her closer to his body just as Eldon threw the bedroom door wide open and gleefully hollered, "SAINT NICK CAME!"

Wren startled awake and clutched the covers to her throat while pushing onto an elbow to smile sleepily at her brother as she brushed her wild mass of auburn waves out of her face. "He did?"

"Yep, and he left me a new pair of slippers," Eldon grinned, lifting his right foot high into the air. "They're better'n last year, Wren. Think he has new elves workin' for him?"

Declan chuckled and reached out of the covers to scratch Luella as she sidled up to the bed for some attention. "Morning, sweet girl."

"Ooooh, those are somethin' special," Wren smiled, her voice slipping into a yawn.

"Looks like he done left ya some too, Gobby," Eldon excitedly chirped, pointing and shuffling forward to take a closer look; then he gasped in delight before exclaiming, "THEY LOOK LIKE MINE."

Declan laughed, his ears ringing as he reached out and tousled Eldon's curls. "Mama and everyone here yet for opening presents?"


"Why don't you go wake 'em all up? Tell 'em to get their lazy hides on over here so we can get things started."

Eldon giggled and raced into the hallway with Luella close behind as he shouted, "I'LL BE QUICK AS A BLINK."

The Edge of Misery: The Mitchel Brothers Series Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now