"That's not the only issue." Mr. Davenport says. "What about your bionics? Your training? Your capsule?"

"Mr. Davenport, this is really important to me. Can't we at least discuss it?" Bree says.

"We just did. You're not studying abroad. End of conversation." Mr. Davenport says. He leaves the room.

"This is so unfair," Bree says.

"Don't worry, Bree, I'll get you to Australia," Adam says. He grabs her hand, starts grunting, and tries to geo-leap like before, making her remove her arm from him.

In the lab, Leo was working on an invention when Eddy popped up on the screen. "Hey, check it out, Eddy. I'm repurposing one of Big D's old projects to impress him with my tech skills." Leo says.

"Oh, so now you're failing with his ideas," Eddy says.

"He created a neurotransmitter to help diagnose medical symptoms," Leo says. "The software is based on your smart home system."

"Well, we know you're good at one thing...stealing," Eddy says.

"It's really cool," Leo says. "You swallow this pill and it attaches to your cerebral cortex. Then it diagnoses the problem and sends a report to my computer."

"Wow! Who needs doctors when they got a sixteen-year-old crackpot with a magic pill!" Eddy says. Tasha walks into the lab wearing a purple bathrobe and holding a box of tissues.

"Hey, sweetie. How's it going?" Tasha says. She sneezes.

"Good. Are you still sick?" Leo asks Tasha.

"Yeah, I think this cold is getting worse," Tasha says.

"Fantastic!" Leo exclaimed. "How would you like to try out my newest invention? The smart body system." 

"Oh, no, I am not a guinea pig," Tasha says.

"No, you're a different kind of..."

"Shut it!" Tasha snaps at Eddy.

"Oh, come on, mom. This will let you know if this is just a cold or something more serious." Leo says.

"Leo, I don't want some weird gadget floating around inside my body," Tasha says. "You don't know anything about medical stuff."

"Well, I don't have to. Big D made the technology. It'll only take a few hours to work." Leo says. "Trust me, it's totally safe."

"I don't know, Leo," Tasha says.

"Okay, I get it. You don't believe in me." Leo says.

"Thanks for understanding, sweetie," Tasha says.

"Mom!" Leo says.

"Oh, okay, fine. Give me that." Tasha says. She takes the pill and swallows it.

"Oh, and by law, I'm required to inform you of the possible side effects. Headache, nausea, hair loss, random twitching..." Tasha gasps as Leo lists the side effects. "You know what, it'll just be faster if you read 'em." He hands Tasha a stack of papers and leaves the lab.


In the living room, Chase was sitting at the dining room table working on his homework while Adam and I were sitting on the couch watching TV. Bree walks in through the front door. "Guess who just got invited to the Panic Inferno concert tonight?" Bree says.

"Zac Efron!" I say excitedly.

"No. Me." Bree says. "Caitlin doesn't want to go alone because she's totally devastated."

Lab Rats Season 3Where stories live. Discover now